This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

More on Immigration

I know I stated last week that I was going to continue on assessing the race for president, but things have happened on the immigration front that I feel are important. There is a long time until the election so I will have plenty of time to assess candidates. Toward the end of today's comment I will have one thing I promised last week and that is why none of the leading candidates may become president. Now on to the immigration issue.

As I write this today, June 26th, the senate voted cloture on the immigration bill S1639. That is the new number for the "new and improved" immigration bill. sixty-four senators are fasciunist enough to vote for cloture. This bill is still an amnesty no matter what they call it. We can not allow this bill to pass although I do not know how we can stop it. It still needs two more votes of sixty plus senators to get it out of the senate and then it goes to the house. This is where we have the best chance of stopping it. The republicrats in the house are very much against this or any other bill that gives the twenty to thirty million invaders amnesty. That is right, twenty to thirty million. If you will remember, last year when they were trying to pass an amnesty bill it was twelve million. Considering that thousands of invaders cross the border each day and have been doing is since last year's failed amnesty, how is it that there are still only twelve million?

This is not an immigration issue, it is an invasion issue. Immigrants follow the law and enter the country legally. They have jobs, learn English and become American citizens. They do not ask for special favors or expect the rest of us to support them, including food stamps, medical and other benefits. They expect this for their children and any relatives they may decide to sneak into the country. On the other hand, these invaders from the south want all of this and more. Many of them want and intend to take back the southwest portion of the country for Mexico. They have no interest in becoming citizens or assimilating into our culture. They want to keep their own culture and push it off on us. Already in many cities, instead of push one for English and two for Spanish, it is now push one for Spanish and two for English. Americans have suddenly become second class citizens and Mexican invaders have become our supposed betters. Looking at it in that way it would mean that we have lost the war and surrendered.

It is time for all true Americans to wake up. This invasion of crooks, gang members, rapists, murderers, drunken drivers and TERRORISTS is exactly what the fasciunists want. When an amendment to the bill barring felons, murderers, rapists and gang members from attaining amnesty failed, you know this is what they want. They are looking for a one world order and they feel that this will expedite the situation. This is one of the reasons I stated that I do not believe that any of the presidential candidates will get a chance to be president. I feel that enough rioting will break out either way that there will be martial law declared. Yesterday in my blog, I started a series of survival articles as to what to do when this happens. The reason I feel that martial law is coming to America is that either way to vote on amnesty goes, there will be riots. If the amnesty passes the Mexican invaders will get cocky and start to strut and laugh at real Americans. This will cause at least a great portion of the millions that are against amnesty to take matters into their own hands. This will probably cause widespread violence and the government will step in with martial law. If the bill fails, you can expect the invaders to do some serious rioting and other law breaking activities. When honest American citizens try to stop it, it will turn violent and martial law will be declared. Once martial law is declared the constitution is out the window and so is constitutional government. There also would be no elections, thus none of the candidates would get to be president.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Chaos Part 4

Sorry about the long time between posts, vacation and other pursuits, I will try to do better.

As I am writing this there are more contenders for president 2008 then I care to keep track of. Most of them are not viable candidates and the ones that are, such as Ron Paul, the media does not give any press to. On the demlican side we have Clinton and Obama as the two leaders in the polls. There is something to think about here. We had a Bush then a Clinton then another Bush and now another Clinton wants the job. The last three presidents have come very close to ruining the country, now another Clinton wants to finish the job. The only way Clinton will win the White House is if the elections are completely rigged, which is a distinct possibility.

Now we come to Obama. He states that he was a Muslim and became a Christian. That is a lot of bull. No one that grows up as a Muslim is allowed to become a Christian. Had he honestly made the switch he would have been killed. He grew up going to one of the strictest Muslim schools there was. There is no way for him to become a Christian. The reason that the Muslims are allowing him to say that he became a Christian (in my opinion) is so they can possibly get a Muslim in the White House and take over this country.

On the other side of the race we have the republicrats and the Mitt and Rudy show. I have already written McCain off as he keeps shooting himself in the foot. Let us take a look at Mitt first. He is what I consider the John Kerry of the republicrats. I was for it before I was against it and now I think I am for it if I am not against it but I might be---well you get the message. He was governer of one of the most liberal states in the Union. They have some of the most unconstitutional gun laws in the nation, yet Mitt says he is pro gun. Look at abortion or homosexual marriage or any other controversial issue, he flip flops on every one of them. We have no way of knowing what he would do once he got to the White House.

Rudy is another story. He is much more liberal than many of the demlicans in congress. There is no way in the world that I could vote for him. He hates gun owners, loves abortions, is in favor of anything that homosexuals want, etc. etc. Having Rudy for president would be much like having Clinton. We do not need another liberal, one world government, give the U.S. away president.

The way I see it, Ron Paul is the only person from either party that is qualified for the job. Everyone else in the race does not think that the constitution is important. The problem here is the media. No matter how good Ron Paul does in debates, they do not give him any press. This means that there will be no name recognition, thus he will have a hard time winning the nomination and if he does the press will do a number on him, (Ala Goldwater 1964). If Fred Thompson jumps into the race I am not sure what to think. I am not that sure of his beliefs so I will withhold comment until he does enter.

The media, big business and most politicians want more of the same. They want this country to become a communist dictatorship. They are all fasciunists in that they are willing to use any fascist tactic to bring this about. 9/11 whether it was planned and deliberate, simply known about in advance or a complete surprise was an excellent opportunity to get the ball rolling. Now we have a world wide war on terrorism, yet they tell me it is not WW III. Most of the presidential candidates are all for allowing the illegal Mexican invaders to have amnesty even though no one knows how many terrorists have come in through Mexico. This does not make one bit of sense except to the one world communist dictator government people. There is a candidate who would be excellent as far as the immigration situation go and that is Tom Trancedo. However, I do not know enough about his other beliefs to say that he would make a good president.

I think I am going to stop with my assessment of candidates and start next week with what I think would happen if any of the "leading" candidates should become president and why I think that none of them may get the chance.