I use the words fasciunism and fasciunist a lot. Some of you may not know what I am talking about with those words. Fasciunism is the use of fascist tactics and government to eventually lead to a world wide communist government. When you look at politicians today they are almost all fasciunists. These are people who bring about the fascist tactics because they are working for the one world communist government.
Musolini stated that true fascism was a contract and working relationship between government and business. I do not remember his exact words that that is what it amounted to. Look around America today and what do you see? The government and big business walking hand in hand. When big business did not believe they were making enough profit, the government made it easy and profitable for them to move to China, Mexico, India or other areas where they could have slave labor, no unions and no OSHA, EPA or other government oversight. This is an excellent fascist move by government. The you have the NGOs (non-governmental organizations) that go to the congress, the states and the UN and help to write laws and treaties. This is pure fascism. Where is all of this leading us? Down the road to world communism. First it was the European Union with the Euro and a central government and now a push is being made for a North American Union and the Amero.
A couple of things that both fascists and communists use are laws like the Patriot Act. This takes away more and more of our freedoms. We have free speech zones around our president and other elected officials. When free speech is gauranteed by our constitution, why do we need a free speech ZONE? Everywhere is a free speech zone. However, fascists and communists do not like this so they take away our freedoms. These are freedoms that cannot be taken away by a constitutional government because out forefathers knew that they were God given. One of the reasons they feel they can take them is they no longer believe in God. They do not want us to believe in God either, which is the reason they came up with the bogus "seperation of church and state", which is nowhere in the constitution or any official document of our founding fathers.
Look closely at your candidates for president this year and you will find that there is only one candidate that knows what the constitution says and is willing to follow it. That one candidate is Ron Paul. Look at some of the others. Mike Huckabee made Arkansas a sanctuary state for illegal aliens so Walmart and Tyson Foods could have slave labor. We are supposed to be protecting our borders from invaders and not inviting them in. John McCain has the same problem, he never met an illegal alien that he did not love. He wants to give them all amnesty and whatever else they want and then invite more in. He also helped to ruin the first amendment to the constitution with the McCain-Feingold bill. Mitt Romney, while he was governor of Massachusets, did all he could to strip second amendment rights from the citizens of his state. He also wants to go into Michigan and marry government to the auto industry; pure fascism. The demlicans are the same or worse. We have one who says he is not a muslim but Methinks he doth protest too much. His father and his stepfather were both muslims and I tend to believe he was raised that way. Even if he is now a member of a church which calls itself Christian, that church is suspect. It is a church that says it is proud to be black and has some of the most racist sayings against whites. The pastor and Obama are both good friends of Louis Farahkan and he is a black muslim. Then we have Clinton who changes her story to fit who she is talking to. She is a fasciunist to the core. She wants to get government into every business in the country, especially the medical industry. Ron Paul alone is a true republican, a true constitutionalist and a true American. If he is not the republican candidate in November, I intend to vote third party and hope everyone else that loves this country does the same.
I will probably writing more on this in the future so stay tuned.