Election - 3
Now that I have written about two candidates that I will not vote for you. Let us see who we can vote for. First of all, let me say that had Ron Paul stayed in the race he is the one I would have voted for. He was the only one in the race that knew exactly what was and is wrong with this country and how to cure it. However the fasciunist, lap dog, totally controlled press would not give Ron Paul the time of day. They totally ignored the fact that he was even a candidate. He was snubbed on the debates and what he did say was taken out of context when it was repeated by that same press. Even the so-called right wing radio talk show hosts ignored him. We no longer have honest elections. Everyone in the press, both right and left, are controlled by the one world fasciunists. They are controlled by the bankers, and the big international industrialists.
Chuck Baldwin is the candidate that will be running on the Constitution Party ticket. He is the only person that I, in good conscience can vote for. I refuse to continue to fall into the trap that is set for us. I refuse to vote for the lesser of two evils, that one is still evil. The Constitution Party is the only party that puts America first and believes in sovereignty rather than one world government. Chuck Baldwin is a candidate that stands for everything that Ron Paul stood for. It is my fervent hope that Ron Paul will endorse Baldwin when the time comes. That would give Baldwin a fighting chance, although I know him winning is just about an impossibility.
One reason that no one except the republicrat or demlican can win is that with electronic voting, the vote is fixed before the election even takes place. Here is just one example of how it can be done. In the primary in New Hampshire, one family in a small town voted for Ron Paul on the republicrat ticket. When the votes were counted Ron Paul got zero votes. When the family complained about it they were told they must have made a mistake. This is what also happens to the Constitution Party in elections. The votes that they get are never counted.
Chuck Baldwin is pro life, pro second amendment, anti gay marriage and he would do his best to do away with the IRS and the Federal Reserve Bank. The term Federal Reserve Bank is a joke. It is a private corporation and not federal and there are no reserves there. Besides that, it is not really a bank in the way most people think of banks. It is a corporation set up to rob the people of this country, cause inflation and depressions and totally ruin our economy. They create money out of thin air and then tell us that we are borrowing it and charge exorbitant interest. Every depression, recession and inflationary cycle since 1913 has been directly caused by the Federal Reserve Bank. Chuck Baldwin knows this and would work to eliminate them altogether. He would do away with the (un)Patriot Act and bring back habeas corpus and bring back the posse comitatis rule. He would re-institute the militia the way our founding fathers meant it to be. He would bring our troops back not only from Iraq and Afghanistan but also from all of the other countries around the world. He would follow what George Washington said in his farewell speech: "Trade and be friends with everyone and get involved with no one".
As I stated, I doubt that Baldwin can win, but I will vote for him anyway. When enough people think like me and vote for the best man and not the lesser of two evils, maybe we can get a real American President. I feel right now that the fasciunists want B. Hussein O. as the next president and are doing their best to make it so. However, even if Juan McNasty wins, the fasciunists will be satisfied because both of the candidates dance to their beat. In some ways I hope that B. Hussein O. wins because I think that will bring on a revolution much sooner. I will talk more about that next time.
Remember: http://www.sasl.blogspot.com
and http://www.realenvirontalism.blogspot.com