Can America Survive??
Can America survive as a fascist state? That is where the fasciunist in the presidents office is taking her. Look back at the former fascist states such as Italy or Germany and you will see that our phony in the presidents office is doing everything the same way. He is taking over big banks, big insurance companies and big auto makers and turning them into public/private partnerships. That is fascism pure and simple.
Liberals always try to say that the right wing is a bunch of fascists. They are nowhere near correct in using that comparison. Both Hitler and Mussolini were leftists. In Germany the party in control was the National Socialist Party also know as the Nazi party. There is only one difference between communism and fascism and that is: communists own and control all business, fascists control all privately owned businesses. It is strictly a matter of ownership. Mussolini said that fascism was the marriage of big government and big business.
We now have a man in the white house that has taken over the running of several companies. He would like to take over more and will in time. He also wants to take over our health care. Again, like the fascists, he is doing this to control the population. He feels he will be able to rid the population of anyone he considers useless, i.e. elderly, infirm, cripples, mentally retarded, etc. Like Hitler, he is looking to build a perfect population and get rid of the rest. You will either be a productive worker or you will no longer be able to obtain health care.
How can this country survive under these conditions? Will the people go along with all of these un-American changes? Has the majority of Americans become so dependent on government that they will allow this non-citizen to take over the country just so they can keep living on the government dole? This man, and I refuse to call him the president, is turning the country upside down. He still has not shown any proof that he is an American. He will not release his college transcripts, his long form birth certificate, his passport or any other item of identification. Why are we letting this fake get away with stealing our country?
The ignorant mainstream media is in his pocket. NBC did an info-mercial from the white house and now ABC is going to do an all day info-mercial from the white house on the health care plan. They are not going to allow anyone from the opposition to ask questions thus it is strictly an info-mercial. The media is not only standing by and watching a fascist take over the country, they are aiding and abetting him.
This faker is a Muslim. He can say all he wants about being a Christian but I do not buy it. He attended an America hating church for twenty years. That church gave an award to Louis Farrakahn, the leader of the black Muslims, an award. The faker went over an bowed to a Muslim king and gave speeches about the "holy Koran". Nobody except the Muslims call it "holy". Everything this faker does shouts Muslim. I have said it before in my writings, he was raised a Muslim and once you are a Muslim you cannot become a Christian. If you choose to do so you are under the penalty of death.
Again I ask, "Can this country survive"? I feel that the only way for this country to survive is for the states to institute the Constitutional Militia once more. I feel that each state needs a militia to protect itself from the federal government. This is why the second amendment was put into the constitution. It is there to allow us to keep and bear arms as a citizen militia so that we can overcome an oppressive government. The founders knew that something like this could happen and they prepared us for it by giving us the second amendment. Do the people in this country have the guts to once again start citizen militias? If not you can kiss this country goodbye.
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