This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Health Care? 2

As long as I am going to be turned in to the White House anyway, I might as well go on and keep going on what I think about Obamacare. I guess you could say that I am one of those spreading rumors. That is not really the case. The fact is that all I, and many others, are doing is spelling out what could possibly happen if the health care bill is passed in its present form. You see, much of the language, like most bills passed by congress these days, is so ambiguous that no one knows how some bureaucrat will interpret it.

One of the first things is the fact that illegal invaders would be allowed to use this to their advantage. While our pretendsident, and our con-gress tell us that this is not so, the bill as it is written does not allow anyone to ask ones citizenship status. Thus it is impossible to stop illegal invaders from using the system. this will give them even more medical help than they are getting now and will cost the American taxpayer more.

Next we have abortion. While I have seen many thing on the Mainly Stupid Media that try to deny that abortions would be covered, there is a part of the wording that would make all abortions allowable under the law. I am not sure of the exact wording but it states that this insurance covers all medical practices that are deemed necessary and proper. I have no idea how abortion could be kept out of such language. I do not believe I should have to pay to murder babies.

Medical rationing will be the order of the day. There is no way that you can add all of the people to this system and not wind up rationing care. It has happened in every country that has universal, one payer health care. There is no way that you can increase the number of people using the health care system and not get rationing and long waits. While our pretendsident and his staff tell it will not happen, we will lose doctors and the doctor shortage will be more severe than it currently is. That will make long waits and rationing inevitable.

Seniors are in for the biggest hurt. They will be required to go for end of life counseling and while it is not specified in the current bill, euthanasia will become a part of that counseling. The reason I say that is that several people on the pretendsident's staff are known to be strongly in favor of using that method to bring down the population. As it stands now, the euthanasia would be a choice left up to the senior while I know that one or two of Obama's staff would like it to be mandatory. Once you reach a certain age if you get sick you are out of here. As it stands now, you would not be able to get expensive operations or even tests after a certain age. You will just be given pain pills and told to go away and die.

Small businesses will be forced to pay for insurance for their employees. This is another bit of fascism used by our fasciunist pretendsident. Stepping in and telling private businesses how to run their business. Only the business owner knows whether he/she can afford to cover the cost of employee insurance and how much they can afford. Now they will have no choice. Our fasciunist pretendsident has taken over and communized the banks, auto companies and insurance companies and now he wants to use the fascist method of allowing private ownership but government ruling of all other businesses. Using both the communist and fascist methods of government. Look back at Germany and you will find that they went to a very similar health policy, with euthanasia being one choice of many and strictly a personal choice. However, it was not too long a step from Hitler to make that same euthanasia mandatory for all Jews. Think about it!!

There will be no medical privacy as all records will be sent to a government agency for their input on what should be done for the patient. You would have a department of bureaucrats that would be looking at your health care and deciding what amount of care you could have. I think I would rather have my doctor tell me what he will do for me.

Very soon there would be no private insurance. While at the moment the bill reads that you can keep your present plan, as soon as the government starts an insurance program of their own, they will push all private insurers out of business. There is no way that a private insurance company can compete with an insurance plan that is using taxpayers money to subsidize it. Although it has been taken out of all of the bills, originally one bill would have made it illegal to have private insurance. This was a bill based on the Canadian health care system where it is not only illegal to have private health insurance, it is also against the law to go to a doctor and pay cash. That is the reason so many Canadians come to the United States to get health care.

And then we have the cost of the plan. How are we going to pay for this decreased but more expensive health care. Obuma will tell you that because of the preventive side of this plan there will not be as much illness, thus lower costs. A number of studies tell us this is not necessarily so. Lowering the amount paid to doctors and hospitals for medicare patients is another method that is being touted. Many doctors will not take medicare patients now due to the already too low payments. This could possibly save money because seniors would not be able to get care thus there would be no payments. That is just another way to get rid of old useless people.

I have a lot more to as and I will save it for another day. Until next time check out my survival blog at: