This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

What Next?

Friday, September 18, 2009


Our dear pretedsident is trying to turn this country into a true soviet run nation. He does not seem to have any regard or respect for our constitution or of what our founding fathers wanted for us citizens. He does not believe that anyone should disagree with anything he wants. He says he wants bipartisanship, but it turns out that he considers bipartisanship the other side agreeing with everything he says and everything he wants. Whether it is his so-called health care plan or his cap and tax (trade), he expect all of his party to toe the line and the republicans to meekly say YES SIR and go along.

Jimmy Peanut Carter says that all of the disagreement is due to racism. While a certain representative should not have shouted in the middle of the pretendsident's speech, that man was correct and it had nothing to do with racism. There were more lies in that speech than true statements. Abortion is covered, there will be death panels, there will be rationing of health care and at the time of the speech illegal invaders were covered by the House plan. You see, our pretendsident needs those illegal invaders to vote for him in 2012 because he is losing all of his support from legal Americans. You say "illegal invaders are not eligible to vote". That would be true except that his buddies at Acorn fraudulently registered many of them prior to the 2008 election. That is what our pretendsident paid them $800,000 to do.

The speaker of the house thinks it is terrible that some people put a Hitler moustache on the pretendsident and portray him as a fascist in other ways such as putting a swastika on him etc. She seems to have forgotten that she and others did the same thing to George W. Shrub and they did not think that that was and insult to a president. In Shrub's case, it was a stretch to call him a fascist, in Hussein's case, it is fact. Take a look at history and you will see so many similarities in the way Hitler took over Germany and what Hussein is doing that it should make you really think. Hitler took over businesses and ran them in cooperation with their owners, Hussein has taken over the banks, Generous Motors, Chrysler and is attempting to take over other businesses. Hitler took away German's guns and they are trying to get ours by a back door method. Hitler took over German health care, Hussein is trying the same thing, Hitler attempted to get the clergy on his side and Hussein has asked the clergy to help him get his health scare passed. I could go on, but I think you get the picture by now. Our pretendsident, with the help of Nancy "Stretch" Pelosi and Harry "Duh" Reid is attempting to turn this country into a communist country. They are doing it by the use of fascism because fascist tactics work better than communist tactics. Remember, the German fascists or Nazis were the National Socialist Party. Just one quick step from communism. If you do not want to look to Hitler, you can look to Mussolini. He too took over a country as a fascist and followed the same path as Hussein, Stretch, Duh and the rest of the Demlican party is attempting to follow. Now you know if you did not know before why I use the term fasciunism.

What we currently have for a pretendsident is a narcissist. He is so in love with himself that he KNOWS that he can never be wrong. He feels that he should be treated as royalty at least and more likely as the savior. Many of his more avid followers and the mean-stupid-media treat him as though he is a god. The problem for us is that he really believes it. An his wife, well that is a subject for another day. For now, "Keep your powder dry and your eyes and ears open". Let your senators and congressmen know what you think and let them know that their job depends on your approval.

Until next time check out my other blog: