This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fort Hood

When is a terrorist attack not a terrorist attack? When our pretendsident and our MSM (Mostly Stupid Media) want to be politically correct. When you have a Muslim walk into a room full of our soldiers, shout Allah Akbar and start shooting with two handguns, I would definitely call that a terrorist attack. I do not care that the Muslim was an officer in our armed forces, he is still a terrorist and it is still a terrorist attack.

If this country does not get away from being so politically correct that the only people that can be targeted are Christians, we are in deep doo doo. You cannot say anything against a homosexual, a Muslim or any real or imagined minority. You can however bad mouth Christians all you want. There is no way to battle the denigration of Christians. We are the only open game for comedians, pundits and other left wing communist wing nuts. This country is not going to be here long if this keeps up.

Our pretendsident is, as far as I am concerned a Muslim and you will have a hard time convincing me that he is not. He was born of a Muslim father making him a Muslim from birth. Anyone who converts to Christianity from the Muslim religion is under the penalty of death. As Barry Obama is still alive tells me that he is still a Muslim. He is in office to turn this country into a Muslim Fascist state. After that it will be turned into a communist state with Muslim being the state religion. We will then have honor killings, female genital mutilation and everything else that goes along with the Muslim religion. This has to be stopped.

The man that killed thirteen of our patriotic soldiers and wounded many more needs to be treated as a murdering Muslim terrorist. That is the only way this can be handled if we want America to survive. I do not believe that Muslims have any business being in our military, but if our government wants them there, they need to watch them. Each and every Muslim in the military needs to be under surveillance twenty-four hours a day seven days a week. Would that be expensive? Certainly, but if our illustrious leader wants to man the army with terror suspect, that is the price we need to pay for our peace of mind.

There are at least ten percent of the Mosques in this country that the FBI is aware of that teach jihad. These mosques should be shut down and the leaders of them be deported. Some may call it racial profiling, I call it common sense. We are over in other countries fighting to free them and in our own country are people taking away our freedoms. This is ludicrous and something needs to be done about it. Fasciunism is rampant in our government today and no one is doing anything about it. What bothers me is that by the time the sheep in this country wake up and pull themselves away from their sports and inane television programs, we may be to the point of no return. We may be under martial law or in a civil war. This fasciunism needs to be stopped now while it can still be done at the polling places. We need to throw out about ninety-eight percent of our crooked congress idiots. Wake up America, we are close to the end of America as we know it. Our pretendsident campaigned on the promise of change. I do not believe this is the change that the voters had in mind. Wake up and stop it now. It is now or never.

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