This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Civil War?

I wrote last week about the financial collapse I see coming. I have not changed my mind on that but I may have some other things that will hurry the demise of this great country along. These are things that could stat a revolution. These are also things that could start the financial meltdown that I and many others see coming.

First, look at some of the things that the government is trying to do against the wishes of the population and the congress. The FCC is attempting to take over the Internet and tell all of us what we can say. They call it "Net Neutrality" but in effect it nothing but another government takeover. This is nothing short of pure power grab by our pretendsident. All comments have noted that such a takeover would have a perverse effect on the Internet. It would cause people not to invest in newer twenty-first century technology.

We all have heard about the terrible shooting in Tuscon Arizona. This was an act that was carried out by a dope smoking, insane person that loved The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf. In other words, a drug crazed, left-wing, weirdo. The first thing to be blamed was Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Micheal Savage and all right wing talk radio. The first thing several democrats want to do is to bring back the "Fairness Doctrine". this is nothing more than Censorship. Their are already bills in congress to bring the Unfairness Doctrine back from the dead. You can bet that some liberals will be pushing it now that they have something to back them up with. Even after it was proven that the idiot did not listen to talk radio, the call for legislation still was heard. This is clearly an unconstitutional push against our First Amendment rights.

After that idea kind of fizzled, the gun control freaks came out of the closet. I cannot understand the type of person that tries to use someones tragedy to try to take away our constitutional rights. They apparently forget a couple of things, one, these rights are God given and cannot be taken away by any congress in the world. Just like the attempt to squelch our First Amendment rights, they feel they can also cancel our Second Amendment rights.

Another thing that is going on is that our pretendsident is trying to have the IRS to force our banks to disclose all accounts owned by foreigners. This would have a very chilling effect on foreigners investing in our economy. It would also hut the banks and they were against it when Clinton tried the same thing in the nineties. This is simply a way to get the IRS into private businesses and stick their nose where it is not needed or wanted. It is pretendsident Hussein's need to try to control every bit of private enterprise. Remember, when businesses are privately owned but controlled by the government: that is Fascism. When you have a Marxist doing this, it makes it Fasciunism.

But there is more. the EPA is on their way to making carbon dioxide a pollutant and putting regulations in place to control it. They are poised to do this due to the fact that the Cap and Tax bill could not make it through congress last session and it would never make it through this session with the new tea party republicans in charge of the House of Reps. They also want to control the drilling of oil and anything else that they can get their hands on. They are following the orders of the liberal, wacko, left-wing environmentalists. They intend to ruin the coal industry and the oil industry. They would like to shut them both down. At the moment they are trying to get the price of gasoline up to at least five dollars a gallon. They will also be trying to make the cost of electricity double or even triple by shutting down coal-fired generating plants. First of all, carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, it is a necessary part of life. Carbon dioxide is a necessity for every green tree and plant that grows. By cutting back on carbon dioxide in the air you are cutting down on the necessity of all plants. These plants use that carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen that we all need to breathe. Instead of limiting carbon dioxide we should be planting more trees and other green plants. This whole thing is about control and making green energy competitive. Right now green energy is about three times as expensive as coal and oil produced energy. If they can make our current energy three times as expensive, then green energy will be able to compete.

All of these things are being done in an underhanded way instead of going through the congress as they should be. New rules are being made to give homosexuals and lesbians more right than heterosexuals have. All of these things are in defiance of our constitution and our Marxist, Fascist, Fasciunist pretendsident knows it and does not care. All he cares about is that he gets his own way about things he wants to change. It is time to slam the door on many of the things that he is having done before this country comes apart. Next week I will cover some of what states are doing to counter these rules and regulations. Until then, check out my other blog at:

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Financial Collapse

I, along with a number of other writers are looking for a financial collapse. While most of the other writers are financial experts, I am not. I just know certain signs and believe I can see what is coming. A couple of days ago I wrote about this on my other blog and what I am going to write here is very similar. My other blog for those of you unfamiliar with it is a survival blog. I wrote about the financial collapse to get my readers ready for my upcoming survival article on the same subject. I will be telling my readers what I am going to be doing for my survival and what I feel everyone should be doing. Those of you who read this may want to check out my next survival blog.

This country is fourteen trillion dollars in debt and continues to spend like a drunken sailor. Have any of you ever heard of anyone getting out of debt by borrowing more money? It cannot be done and yet this country just keeps borrowing more and more. George W. Bush was not the greatest president we ever had and he started this rapid slide into oblivion. However, Bush was a piker when it comes to spending money we do not have. Our pretendsident BO has spent more and added more to the national debt in two years than Bush did in four or possibly even all eight years he was in office.

We currently have a Marxist that is either a Muslim or at least is a Muslim sympathiser trying to change this country into something it was never meant to be. This man, who I believe does not ever have the right to be sitting where he is, states that he is going to change this country. What he is trying to change it into should scare the sock off of everyone with a half a brain. With the national debt being at fourteen trillion he continues to borrow money from China to push programs that do not work. You cannot afford to borrow money and give it away to your crony friends and expect the country to continue to function.

After all of the bailouts, many of the companies that were bailed out are no better off than the were prior to the bailouts. Fannie and Freddie are still in business and some analysts feel that they will have sucked a trillion dollars of bailout money before it is over. Where is this money going to come from? It is going to come from China of course. All of the banks and other companies that were bailed out, and this includes the companies that were taken over by the government, still owe the taxpayers billions of dollars. GM which was taken over by the government and the unions says they have paid some of the money back. That was only a portion of what they were given and they paid it back from the funds they were given, not from profit.

The chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank (which is not a department of the federal government, has no reserves and is not technically a bank) says that it will take another five years for the economy to recover. Unemployment is still over nine percent, the longest time of over nine percent unemployment since the great depression. The Fed is now going to print more money to try to jump start the economy. This is their second try and I do not believe it will work either. All it will do is cheapen the American dollar and cause hyper-inflation.

The reason America has gotten by as well as we have is that the dollar is the world's trade currency. We have the cheapest gasoline in the industrialized world. While we are paying three dollars a gallon, the rest of the countries are paying four to eight dollars per gallon. The reason for that is that if Canada or any other country wants to buy oil from the Arabs, they first have to buy dollars and then pay for the oil in dollars. Were this ever to change, America would be in deep trouble. And the time may be coming sooner than many would think. There was a meeting between a number of world industrial powers on just that subject. They were trying to come up with a different currency to use. Some of them; China and Japan and China and Russia are going to trade using their own currency, bypassing the dollar. The world bank has suggested a new form of money be created expressly for world trade. China, the largest holder of dollars is divesting itself of dollars at a rapid rate. Many countries that just a couple of years ago would accept dollars from tourists will no longer do so. Businesses in Texas are accepting Pesos as payment and on the east coast many businesses are accepting Euros. There are also a number of areas in the U.S. where they are printing their own money and using it for trade. This is perfectly legal, it has never been done before because the dollar was considered sound. Now that dollar is almost worthless and with the Fed printing more and more money, it is becoming even more worthless. Us paper currency does not have to be accepted for payment of goods and services. Many people do not know this and the government does not want them to know about it.

When the dollar loses its status as the world's currency, you can expect hyper-inflation and once that comes you will also see the government having to cut back and things like Social Security, welfare, unemployment and all other "entitlements". This will cause riots and anarchy such as has never been seen in this country. It will also undoubtedly cause martial law to be instituted. This in my mind is just what the fasciunists want. Our pretendsident wants this country to become a socialist country with him as dictator. He already runs the presidency as if he were a dictator with all of his czars and recess appointments, along with all of the regulations he and his cronies pass. The EPA, FCC and other agencies are ruling our land by regulations that the congress never voted on. They are running wild and are running our country into the ground, and I believe it is on purpose, to bring the country to the communism that they believe in.

I will probably have more on this subject soon, but for now go to my survival blog and read what I wrote on Jan. 5th or 6th. And you also will want to go there to read what I am doing to survive what I see coming. Link to that blog is: