Here we go again. Our pretendsident has just sent the senate and house a letter telling them why the law does not apply to him. When he went to war in Lybia, He said that he did not need to ask the congress because he was going in under the "War Powers Act". This act gives the president the authority to enter a war for sixty days before he has to get the okay from congress. Well his sixty days is up and we are still there. He is now saying that we only have a minimum part in the war and are mostly in a support role for NATO. This fasciunist thinks that he can do what he pleases by making up the rules as he goes. He believes he is some sort of a god and does not need to follow the same rules as us mere mortals.
This is why I see anarchy coming and next a dictatorship, which is what always happens after the move into anarchy. I talked the last entry that Wisconsin had descended into anarchy over the passing of a law which the unions did not like. Indiana, Ohio and other states have descended into the same type of anarchy since then. Most of them for the same reason. Each of these states where this anarchy took place has a republican governor. When the democrat governor of New York decided to do the same thing as these republican governors, he did not get even a murmur of descent. That is because the unions refuse to differ with a democrat. They are buddies and whatever one of them does, the other agrees with.
I believe that it is the unions that are going to bring on a lot of the anarchy that is coming. Having a person as pretendsident that is a union backer all the way and who I also believe is a communist, he is allowing the unions to have their way about things. He has loaded the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) with union sympathizers. They are currently going after Boeing for wanting to build a plant in South Carolina. You see, SC is a right to work state and the unions will not be automatic in the new plant. It is none of the NLRB's business where a private company builds their plant. What they are doing is allowing mob (union) rule to prevail. They do not care about the jobs that would be added in this down economy, they just want their own way.
As other groups see this working for the unions they too will go to street mobs to get their way. As I wrote last entry, the homosexual community is already using mobs to get their own way. The homosexuals and unions are the two biggest pushers of anarchy as a viable tool at this time, but I expect more and more fringe groups to begin to use this. As they see it working for some they will begin to use it more and more. Wacko environmentalists are already also using this method to get what they want. In fact, they may have been the ones to start it. Animal rights groups like PETA, tree huggers and other whacked out groups have been causing trouble, destroying property and blocking legitimate projects.
All of this is just getting worse. Remember, Hussein Obama is a follower of Saul Alinsky and he had a communist mentor in Frank Marshall Davis while he was growing up. Alinsky was a follower of Marx and his way of doing things was to first create a problem and then make the suggestion as how to fix it. We have to get rid of the entire White House crowd to even have a chance to bring this direction of the country to a halt. I just hope it is not too late to turn this country around and bring it back to the constitution. We see things done the fascist way with all of the rules allowing the government to tell the private sector how to run their business, what to pay their upper management, etc. We see the communist way with our pretendsident taking over car companies, banks and other businesses. And we see the anarchist way of doing thing by all of the mob rule that is taking place. We also have a pretendsident that is ruling like a dictator. When are we going to wake up, kick them out and go back to being a "Constitutional Republic?"
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