This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Chicago Politics in Washington

Most of you do not know where I received my political bent or why I believe what I believe. Going all the way back to 1960, I voted for John F. Kennedy, a democrat, for president. I was just out of the US Air Force and living in Chicago at the time. In 1962 my wife, two sons and I moved to a house in the suburbs. Early in 1963 I was picked to be precinct captain in the newly formed 13th precinct, Hanover Township, Cook County Illinois, Richard J. Daley, democratic county chairman. Yes, that Richard J. Daley, the Boss. That my friends was a real education in how democrats get things done in Illinois politics. I lasted just over two years and could stand no more of it. I left Illinois and came back to Wisconsin where I was born. I also totally left the democrat party and became an independent. I found myself voting for republicans more and more because I could not find many democrats to support. Currently I vote either republicrat or third party.

Since the time I worked for the democrats they have become demlicans and the republicans have become republicrats. There is not much difference between the two parties until you get to the tea party republicans. Most demlicans are socialists and rinos (republican in name only) are no better. Until the tea party came along and began to hold feet to the fire, it was a sad state of affairs. This is exactly what made Chicago politics possible in Washington D.C.

Daley always had the idea that if he took care of people he could do whatever he chose to do and nobody could do anything about it. The reason for that is that almost everyone important in Chicago and Cook County owed Daley for something. He was continuously doing favors for people that counted so that when he did things his way, no one could say anything. He then ruled with an iron fist. The unions got whatever they wanted because they got him elected. When you worked for Daley he would get you a city, county or state job and when it came time to campaign, you took time off and campaigned. To get the state jobs there had to be a democratic governor, which there was when I worked for the State of Illinois. His name was Otto Kerner and I helped get him elected. I also helped get LBJ elected and I am not proud of either accomplishment.

Now you look at our pretendsident and see if he is not doing exactly what Daley and every Chicago politician has done. He gives all of his cohorts jobs as czars or other spots in his administration. He bows to the union because they help get him elected. He wants a billion dollar war chest for the next election and the unions will help him get it by taking more dues money from the workers, most of who do not want Obama re-elected. Obama also rules with the same style as Daley in the fact that he just goes ahead with things whether it is against the peoples wishes, the law or the constitution. He does not expect any problem with this because he is from Chicago and there never was a problem there with this type of political antics.

Look at B. Hussein O. real close and you will see that he is using these tactics to change this country from what it is to something that no one in their right mind wants. He and a few of his demlican friends, who are also not in their right minds, use Chicago, Saul Alinsky strategies to turn this country into first a fascist nation and later a communist nation. In other words they are using what I like to call FASCIUNISM. This is taking Chicago politics one step farther and first making public/private aka/General (government) Motors partnerships, which is fascism and taking other things aka Health Care entirely over or Socialism (Communism).

If things keep going as they are there will be a reason for B. Hussein O. to be reelected in 2012. Something will occur shortly before the election that only he will be able to handle and you just cannot change horses in mid-stream. It worked for FDR by getting us into WW II. He became the first socialist president for life in this country and I look for our present pretender to come up with something similar. He can probably rely on his Muslim friends to stir something up that he will say only he can fix. If that does not scare the H out of you it should. We have to get him out of the White House at all costs.

Until next time check out my other blog at:

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Agenda 21 (4)

Today I am going to talk about "Sustainable Development Land Use Programs." Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development is a plan of total global control of land use. It is also total control of resource extraction. The intent of this is to abolish private property. this will take two different actions; the Wildlands Network and Smart Growth. All human action would be controlled by these two actions. This is because the Wildlands Network and Smart Growth would also control all natural resources and the extraction thereof.

A very few ruling elite will dominate the world through Sustainable Development if it is allowed to happen. We need natural resources to live and if the entirety of our land is put under the control of Smart Growth and the Wildlands Network, we would have nothing to say about what happens to the resources. The government and the NGOs would control that and free societies would be transformed into collectivized societies. This would eliminate all but the few from any say in anything to do with the environment or the resources. We would be in effect, "Locked out."

The Wildlands Network or Wildlands Project as it is also known is a plan to remove all human presence from at least fifty percent of America. They are rather sneaky about doing this as the implementation includes road closings, adoptions of UN World Heritage Sites, which are being closed to use and breaching dams. Here is as quote from Leanne Klyza Linck the Project Executive Director at the Society of Environmental Journalists Conference. "Conservation biologists now agree that protecting isolated pockets of habitat is not enough to protect our bears, jaguars, beavers, birds and other wildlife - the only to protect them is to practice conservation on a continental scale." As far as I am concerned this is a crock as I know several biologists in the environmental and ecological field and none of them believe this.

There are a lot of thing happening already that do not bode well for freedom. For instance the endangered species act. While the stated aim of the act may well be good, the way it is being implemented is wrong. For instance, the grey (timber) wolf is on the endangered species list. In many states the wolf has made a great comeback and are now overpopulated. However, every time it is attempted to remove the wolf from the list the Smart Growth environmentalists sue to keep the wolf on the list. They find judges that they know will do their bidding and keep the wolf on the list long after it has actually become a nuisance. Conservation Easements and direct land acquisitions are two other methods of locking up land.

The Wildlands Network would even like to include water and all other natural resources in the collectivist network. They would like to have all of it under government and public/private partnership decision making. There is no end to what these people want. It is all part of the one world government agenda. This is the fasciunist way of doing things. You see public/private partnerships are a fascist way of doing things. Yet, if and when they get what they want it would be a collectivist dictatorship that would be running things, in other words; communism. This is what we have to fight against. We cannot let them get a hold on all of our land and our resources. If they control all of the land and all of the resources, they also control all of our freedoms; which means we will not have any.

I will continue this subject in two weeks. Next week in this space will be political. You can also follow my survival blog and check out my store.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Total Chaos

What are we looking at in this country? I believe we are looking forward to a time of total chaos. Just look at what happened in Wisconsin when the union did not get their way. Now there is supposed to be a nationwide protest on September 17, 2011. What is that going to entail? I have no idea except that if it is outfits like the unions, Acorn and the other left wing organizations, it could turn real ugly.

These organizations are fasciunists, in other words they are using the same fascist tactics that the government is using to obtain for themselves the communist rules that they want. These people also border on anarchy. They feel that even though they are in a very small minority, if they make enough noise and cause enough trouble they will get their own way. That is not what this representative republic is founded on and they do not care. All they want is their own way.

Here in Wisconsin there were riots at the capital and death threats to the governor and some of the senators. These fasciunists seemed to think it was okay because they were losing some of the excess benefits they were receiving. I believe that this was the starting point of what is going on now with the upcoming protest. The states are attempting to make everyone equal and bring down their budgets and the unions do not like it. Here in Wisconsin we were over three billion dollars in the red. What our governor and legislature did was to balance the budget and eliminate the three billion in debt. All they did was to bring the public employees in line with the private industry workers. So look for things to get nasty on the seventeenth. I hope I am wrong.

Next in line is knowing what is going to happen between now and the 2012 election. Right now our current pretendsident's popularity is at an all time low. How is he going to make it so that he will be reelected. As has been stated by one of his closest advisers, David Axlerod, "Never let a good crisis go to waste". Does it matter if you cause the crisis? Adolph Hitler did it and became the dictator of a former republic. Could it be that there will be a major crisis before the 2012 election? If there is, will it be big enough that the people of this country will not want to change presidents. It happened during WW II with FDR. If it is big enough could the election be called off and martial law be enacted?

Think about this and see if it does not make sense. We currently have a narcissist in the White House. He believes that he knows better than all of us scum in flyover country. You know, those of us who cling to our bibles and guns. He also believes that he is some sort of a god. Remember the night of his nomination when he came out like a Greek god. I think that he actually believes that he is a god. People like Louis Farrakhan believe him to be the savior. Will he give up the presidency without trying everything possible to hold on to it? I do not believe so. He wants to change America into a communist country and possibly into a Muslim country. He may or may not be a Muslim, but he definitely is a Muslim sympathizer.

These are just things to ponder. B. Hussein O. is in the unions pocket and in the black liberation's pocket as proven by his former pastor in Chicago. He also is in cahoots with what is left of Acorn and between all of these he can get thing done that should not be done in this country. He is now pretty much running this country by presidential decrees and orders and bypassing congress. If he has to create a crisis to remain as pretendsident, I believe he will do so.

We had all better keep our eyes and ears open and do whatever it takes to bring this country back to the constitution and freedom. We have lost much of that freedom and we will have to work to get it back. We all need to work together, we need to elect people that will abide by the constitution. I am not sure it can still be done but we need to try because this may be our last chance. This country is going downhill fast and I am not sure it can be stopped. However, I do not like the alternative.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Agenda 21 (3)

Here we are again and as promised I am going start by talking about the ICLEI. Those initials stand for "International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives". They were launched in 1990 at the world Congress of Local Governments for a Sustainable Future. While the ICLEI is based in Toronto, Canada, they have offices all around the world. They have at least one office here in America and that is in Oakland, California. By now they may have more than one office here in the US but Oakland is the only one I know of.

The stated of this organization is to assist local governments in the implementation of Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development. They even developed and drafted Chapter 28 of Agenda 21. some of the policies of the ICLEI cause some unwanted results. For instance; "stack 'em and pack 'em housing", "mismanagement of water supplies", "traffic congestion", "managed control of our lives", "inaccessible open space" and the "prohibition on natural resource management". This prohibition can caused wildfire hazards and many unneeded and unwanted restrictions on private property. This group claims knowledge of all sustainability issues. They not only claim that they have that knowledge, they have stock answers that can be applied anywhere, be it Stockholm, New Delhi, Boulder, Rio or Santa Cruz.

Something that most people do not realize is that every county in America has Sustainable Development directives. These directives are guided by federal agencies, such as the EPA or by NGO's or ICLEI or some combination thereof.

Another thing that most people do not realize is that there are many NGO's that are bankrolling Sustainable Development. Besides these NGO's the American Taxpayer is unwittingly helping to fund this Sustainable Development because many of the many federal agencies that are involved. Another group of people funding this unconstitutional cause are many tax-exempt family foundations. Some of the biggest NGO supporters are the "Nature Conservancy", "the Sierra Club", the "National Audubon Society", the "American Planning Association", the "National Teachers Association", the "U.S. Chamber of Commerce" and the "U.S. Farm Bureau". Some of the tax-exempt family foundations are; the "Rockefeller Foundation, "Pew Charitable Trusts", the "Turner Foundation", the "David and Lucille Packard Foundation", the "James Irvine Foundation", the "Carnegie Foundation", the "McArthur Foundation" and many local community foundations. This means the Sustainable Development people have three sources of financing: the government, NGO's and foundations.

There is also a lot of political support for Sustainable Development. George H. W. Bush signed the Rio Accords at the earth summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and at that time pledged U.S. support of Agenda 21. In 1993 Bill Clinton, by Executive Order created the President's Council for Sustainable Development. This is what caused the proliferation of stakeholder councils all over the U.S. Thus you can see, this is neither a democrat or republican or conservative versus liberal argument. This is a something that crossed party lines and is backed by all of those that wish to change the American form of government and create a new "One World Order" no matter to which party they belong.

I see this as another combination of communism and fascism or as I have been calling it all along "FASCIUNISM". This is what we need to fight. I will be back on this subject in two weeks. Until then check out the survival site and my web store.