Here we are again and as promised I am going start by talking about the ICLEI. Those initials stand for "International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives". They were launched in 1990 at the world Congress of Local Governments for a Sustainable Future. While the ICLEI is based in Toronto, Canada, they have offices all around the world. They have at least one office here in America and that is in Oakland, California. By now they may have more than one office here in the US but Oakland is the only one I know of.
The stated of this organization is to assist local governments in the implementation of Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development. They even developed and drafted Chapter 28 of Agenda 21. some of the policies of the ICLEI cause some unwanted results. For instance; "stack 'em and pack 'em housing", "mismanagement of water supplies", "traffic congestion", "managed control of our lives", "inaccessible open space" and the "prohibition on natural resource management". This prohibition can caused wildfire hazards and many unneeded and unwanted restrictions on private property. This group claims knowledge of all sustainability issues. They not only claim that they have that knowledge, they have stock answers that can be applied anywhere, be it Stockholm, New Delhi, Boulder, Rio or Santa Cruz.
Something that most people do not realize is that every county in America has Sustainable Development directives. These directives are guided by federal agencies, such as the EPA or by NGO's or ICLEI or some combination thereof.
Another thing that most people do not realize is that there are many NGO's that are bankrolling Sustainable Development. Besides these NGO's the American Taxpayer is unwittingly helping to fund this Sustainable Development because many of the many federal agencies that are involved. Another group of people funding this unconstitutional cause are many tax-exempt family foundations. Some of the biggest NGO supporters are the "Nature Conservancy", "the Sierra Club", the "National Audubon Society", the "American Planning Association", the "National Teachers Association", the "U.S. Chamber of Commerce" and the "U.S. Farm Bureau". Some of the tax-exempt family foundations are; the "Rockefeller Foundation, "Pew Charitable Trusts", the "Turner Foundation", the "David and Lucille Packard Foundation", the "James Irvine Foundation", the "Carnegie Foundation", the "McArthur Foundation" and many local community foundations. This means the Sustainable Development people have three sources of financing: the government, NGO's and foundations.
There is also a lot of political support for Sustainable Development. George H. W. Bush signed the Rio Accords at the earth summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and at that time pledged U.S. support of Agenda 21. In 1993 Bill Clinton, by Executive Order created the President's Council for Sustainable Development. This is what caused the proliferation of stakeholder councils all over the U.S. Thus you can see, this is neither a democrat or republican or conservative versus liberal argument. This is a something that crossed party lines and is backed by all of those that wish to change the American form of government and create a new "One World Order" no matter to which party they belong.
I see this as another combination of communism and fascism or as I have been calling it all along "FASCIUNISM". This is what we need to fight. I will be back on this subject in two weeks. Until then check out the survival site and my web store.