I have been doing some reading lately. What I am doing is re-reading a couple of books that I read years ago. One of them is "Death of a Nation" by John A. Stormer. He is also the one that wrote the book "None Dare Call it Treason." In both of these books he shows how our government is turning into a communist government. I agree with most of what he says, but see more fascism in the works today than there probably was when he wrote the book in 1968. Many people still do not know how closely communism and fascism are.
This country was formed as a Republic. Thomas Jefferson stated "Yes we did produce a near perfect Republic. But will they keep it, or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the surest way to destruction." Even as early as 1912 Woodrow Wilson made the statement that "This country is no longer a Republic but a democracy". As we know the next step after democracy is anarchy. The step after anarchy is a dictatorship, either fascist or communist or as I see our government a combination of the two or "Fasciunism". A quote from the Stormer book that I believe fits perfectly is, "America is walking after the false gods pleasure and materialism--sex and security." That is even more true today than it was in 1968 when he wrote the book.
When we look at the Occupy Wall Street(OWS) demonstrations, what do we see? We see communists, fascists, muslims and every other sick element of our society. We also see people like Micheal Moore and Anne Hathaway supporting this sick demonstration even though they are some of the one percent that the OWS gangs are against. Why would they be doing this except for purposes of bringing down our government and making it into a socialist government. As both communism and fascism are socialist entities, it does not matter which.
Look at one item and that is religion. When the communists took over Russia and formed the Soviet Union, they banned religion and were proclaimed atheist. When Hitler took over Germany he did not do away with the churches, he co-opted them. What is B. Hussein O doing? He is attempting to use the churches and pastors to aid and abet the government spying on its citizens. The Muslims also helped Hitler as they hated the Jews just as much as Hitler. Our pretendsident is no friend of Israel or the Jews. This is just one way that B. Hussein O. is using fascism to bring about a one world communist government. Like fascists he only takes over a portion of the manufacturing companies and banks. Just enough so that he can control them while being able to say that they are privately owned.
Now along comes OWS with their communist idea of redistributing the wealth. This is also something the B. Hussein O. wants. He stated that to Joe the Plumber during his campaign. Why could the people not see that what he wanted was socialism. The socialism we will get will first be fascism and then communism. The fascism has currently all but taken over the government. While we are supposed to be governed by three branches of government, we are being governed by the pretensident and all of his czars, along with a little help from the court. Any time that our Muslim in chief does not get what he wants through congress, he writes a presidential directive and bypasses the congress. Much of what he is doing is unconstitutional but he does not care. As long as he can get his way, he will keep doing it.
I will have much more of this subject in Part II