NGOs and Fasciunism
NGOs or non-governmental organizations are a fasciunist entity. They form a partnership either with our government or the U.N. and then work against our very constitution. Anyone wishing to check the history of fascism will find that government/business, government/private organizations had a lot to play in that political spectrum. Today it is the same but different. Today we not only have private business and other private entities joining with the government, we have communist backed organizations such as environmental groups, anti-war groups, global warming extremists and other communist backed groups joining with either the U.S. Government or the U.N. These organizations have an inordinate amount of clout with governments and especially with the U.N. the reason for this is that the U.N. is itself a communist organization. The U.S. government is more fasciunist, trying to keep up the appearance of a democracy (when it should be a republic) and building patriotism, while at the same time pushing us faster and faster into the one world communist style dictatorship government and opening our borders to all kinds of invaders.
One of the main problems today is how many churches, organizations and individuals have bought into this idea. For instance: sustainable development. This is being pushed by most of our wacko environmental groups, by the U.N., by cities, towns, villages and many individuals. Look around your own area. There are more and more subdivisions and less and less individual homes. These subdivisions all have their owners assosications who tell everyone in the community what they can do, what they can build, how many square feet their house must have, how big a garage, etc., etc. They also enforce as subdivision rules how much green space is needed, garbage disposal, many have their own sanitary districts to which you must belong. In other words, you own your property in name only, you are not allowed to do what you want to on it, unless you first get the permission of the powers that be. Some do not all parking outside your home on your own driveway. Some do not even allow certain types of vehicles in the community. The counties and states get into the act by encouraging these owner associations and making rules for them to follow. Sustainable development is nothing but a land grab and the training of Americans to get in line like good little communists and do what you are told.
I could not live like that. I refuse to be herded into a little community and be forced to walk in lockstep (or is that goosestep) with the rest of the good little commies. This country was built on freedom and liberty. It was not built on doing what the government tells us to do. Stalin and Hitler both were very good at things like this. The public indroctination system that is called the schools are teaching our children that this is the way to behave. Get along with everyone. Try to understand all of the other ethnic groups and religions. Become part of one world of multi-culturism. Never hate anyone except Christians. Love muslims, jews, hindus, buddhists and all other religions except Christianity. It is okay in school to learn about those other religions and even to pray their prayers but never, I mean never mention Jesus. That is, unless you take his name in vain, that is okay. All of this because the teachers unions are also NGOs alligned with the communist U.N. The other side is never heard. This is why home schooling is frowned upon by many. the fasciunist government and their lapdog press and teachers unions cannot indoctrinate students if they are being home shcooled. This means that there will still be some individual thinkers that know how this country was founded and what our freedoms are supposed to be. They will realize that our freedoms are God given not government given. That is what the fasciunists are trying to stop. Watch out for any organization that is an NGO. Ninety-nine point nine percent of them are communist, fascist or fasciunist.