Education?? II
To continue with last week's thoughts we only need to look at what the youngsters are taught in schools. First they are taught history, but not the history that was taught 50 years ago. They are now taught that the founding fathers were a bunch of ignorant, slave holding, homosexual, atheists. There has been a real revision of history. In many history books Marylin Monroe gets more words than George Washington. No longer are the Bill of Rights, the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence taught. It is also taught that only the minorities did any good for this country. All whites are racist and all blacks, hispanics, asians, etc. are perfect.
This kind of teaching is pervasive throughout the school system. All classes are dumbed down to the lowest denominator. Youngsters are no longer told to try to better themselves, the rules are changed so that the dumbest kid in the class passes and everyone else suffers. You see we do not want to hurt poor Billy's feeling by telling him that he is not working up to his capacity. That might traumatize him for life. We also do not want to stand Jenifer or Johnny up and tell the class they got perfect scores and give them honors. Again, someone may be traumatized by such things. Everyone has to be the same: "No child left behind" which basicaly means: "No child gets ahead".
Our children are also being taught that there is no right and wrong, no black and white, that everything is a matter of ones own feelings. Thus, if you believe that two plus two is three, you will not get told you are wrong, just that you have a different opinion. There are no definate morals. You can do anything that you think is right. If you are a muslim you can kill people just because that is what your religion tells you to do. The way our children are being taught, a time is soon coming when it will be total anarchy. This is what the fasciunists want so they can take over. You see, the way the schools are handling morals and right and wrong, very soon it will be impossible to tell anyone that murder, rape, robbery or any other thing that we presently think is a crime, is wrong. It will all be relative to ones religion, ones thoughts and ones feelings. When there is no right and wrong and no moral code, there is anarchy. Our children are being taught to hate the America that was the greatest country in the world and love what the fasciunists would like to do to America.
Multi-culturism, homosexuality, beastiality, pedophilia, one wolrdism, radical environmentalism and many, many more sick subjects are taught in these government indoctrination centers. Sex education consists of being told how wonderful homosexuality and lesbianism are, how wonderful anal sex is and how to properly use a condom. The earth is being looked on as a god and kids are being taught that animals are more important than humans. Children who openly disagree with these things are castigated both by their peers and the indoctrinaters, sometimes known as teachers. How they can be considered teachers when many of them are totally ignorant of facts is beyond me.
This is what the fasciunists want; dumb the population down so that when those of us who remember what America used to be are to old to fight or are no longer here, they will have an easy time controlling the masses. It is up to all of us parents and grandparents to instill some sense and morality into these children. Home school, send them to private shcool and if you cannot do these things, at least keep up on what your kids are being taught. When they come home and tell you that George Washington was a slave holding, athiest, you should be able to tell them what GW was really like. When your daughter comes home and tells you that oral sex is not sex, you need to be able to explain to her that the reason that it is called oral SEX is exactly because it is sex. If you must send your kids to government indroctrination centers, at least take them to church every Sunday. Do not send them, TAKE them. Take them to Sunday school and help them understand what is right and what is wrong and help them understand tha being a Christian and believing that Jesus Christ is our Saviour is not wrong. You may have to unteach some of the things they learn in the fasciunist guvernment indoctrination centers, but you owe it to your children and grandchildren to have an America at least as great as the one you grew up in. If America fails and winds up tatally in the hands of the fasciunists, we have only ourselves to blame. Get busy and do your job of raising your children properly.