This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

What Next?

We wonder where this country is headed. I keep saying that fasciunism is the politics practiced by the politicians in DC. They no longer have any feeling for America as the founding fathers meant it to be. They call our representative republic a democracy. A democracy is just one step short of anarchy. They have now allowed a representative to take his oath of office on the Koran. While the Koran may be his holy book it not Americas. It cannot be Americas because it calls for the extermination of all Christians and Jews. If any of our politicians cared one little bit about our once great country they would not have let this happen. This is the fascist part of fasciunism. The denegrating of all religions. By allowing this muslim to take his oath on the Koran, our congress and courts have told the rest of us that religion no longer has any place in America. That is unless it is a religion that is anti-American.

And next we have the ruling that says that Americans will now need a passport to travel to Mexico or Canada. However, Mexicans need only to invade our country to be given everything that all Americans have worked for. They are allowed to invade the country, take over American jobs, get social security, steal our identities, get free medical care, a free education, food stamps and just about anything else they want while at the same time telling us that they are here to take back a portion of the country for Mexico. They believe that they still own the southwest portion of the country and they intend to take it back. While the work for sub-minimum slave wages they live in hovels and plan how to take away our country. They live fifteen or twenty people in on small apartment or even garage so that they can send their money back to their home country. Why are they sending that money back? To keep the economy of Mexico going. The billions of dollars sent to Mexico is one of that countries biggest incomes. The people come here not wanting to assimilate and become Americans, but to drag America down to their third world level of mentality. They rob, rape and kill far above the ratio of people in our country.

Why does our government allow this? This is one of the communist parts of fasciunism. Look back to Russia in 1917 and you will see that there was a revolution to bring communism to that country. Here the revolution is a little different. What is coming is the North American Union (NAU). This will combine Mexico, America and Canada into one borderless country. The Amero will become our new money and we will all be equal. We will also be just another third world communist country. It is also possible that there will be a revolution. Americans may become so sick of the crap that we are being handed that they will revolt. Just think, we citizens of this country need a passport to enter the other countries while they just invade our borders. Does that sound as unfair to anyone else as it does to me?

We will now need passports, even though the NAU is now being worked on. We will soon be required to have a federally approved drivers license for identification. This is going to be our passport to travel from state to state. It will in fact be a national ID card. When you get to the border of your state it is going to be, "Show me your papers please"!! That fits in with both communism and fascism. Once again fasciunism rears its ugly head.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Is this really America? Is this the America of your grandparents or even your parents? Is this even anything resembling the America that Washington and Jefferson gave us? My most definite answer is a resounding NO!! Our forefathers gave us a Representative Republic. We now are as close to a dictatorship as a country can get without being there. I have stated this before but believe it needs repeating. The government of this country is FASCIUNIST. What that means, for those of you who have come in late and have not gone all the way back, we are being run by a government of people who are using both fascist and communist tactics to move us into a one world communist dictatorship.

All of this is happening because the schools in collusion with the government stopped teaching the history of a representative republic and began using the word democracy. Our government was never meant to be a democracy. The founding fathers rejected the concept of democracy. True democracy is only one short step from anarchy. Anyone not totally asleep and with at least a half of a brain can see that is exactly where this country is headed. As we drift away from the concept of a representative republic and take on more of the ideals of a true democracy, we watch the country drift to anarchy. This is what allows all of the illegal invaders from Mexico to penetrate our borders. Everyone is allowed to do what they please which becomes total anarchy. That is, everyone except the unwashed masses (that is the rest of us) who are kept in line by the same people that are allowing this invasion to continue. Our fake congress and our would be dictator all are in this together. There are very few representatives or senators that are actually representing the people. That is the real people, the ones that are paying their wages. They are protecting and representing the invaders who are sending all of their money back to Mexico. One of Mexico's largest forms of income is money sent "home" from America. We real Americans need to be kept in line so that we can continue paying our taxes to support the invaders that choose not to work. We need to educate their children, pay their medical bills, etc. The ones that do work so they can send money "home" to Mexico steal American identities and SS numbers and are protected from arrest by big business and big government; but I repeat myself.

The greatest majority of the invaders are coming to America to be part of taking the southwest back as Atzlan. They claim that we stole the land from them and they are going to take it back. That is why so many are staying in the southwestern states, to be there when the takeover begins. Is anyone in our government, national or various states, doing anything about it? NO!! I believe they are actually aiding and abeting the invaders. You see, it may not make any difference anyway because this country is being readied to become a part of the North American Union. That would be Mexico, United States and Canada. No borders, freedom to move from country to country (as long as your papers were in order). You would not even be able to go from state to state without the proper papers. Should the NAU fail to materialize, then when the rioting and fighting started over the takeover of the southwest by the invaders, martial law could be instituted and the dictatorship of fasciunism put into place. Either way the fasciunists are going to take this country down the road of one world government. That is unless many people in this country get off their lazy butts and do something about it.

All of this has to start at the local level and it has to start quickly, LIKE NOW. Make sure that your local community has ordinances against illegal aliens working or living in your town. Make sure that local leaders that are elected reflect your values. Try to get state legislators that reflect your values. This is a little harder, but if you have local leaders that are on our side they can be a lot of help. It will work it way up if we have enough time. If we do not have time, I am afraid of what might happen. THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW, BEFORE IT IS WAY TOO LATE.
It may be too late already, but we must try.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Some people call it illegal immigration, I call it an invasion. Things are getting much worse at the border. Armed Mexicans in full uniform are coming across the border and attacking our National Guard. The NG can do nothing except to retreat due to the fact that they are unarmed. If Mexican troops are coming across the border and attacking, what can it be called except an invasion. Where is the protest about this in the major media? There is none due to the fact that the major media is a major player in the fasciunist takeover of America. With the communist demlicans now in charge of the congress, things are probably about to get much worse. I have worn out one set of fingers writing to my two senators and my representative. I continue to get form letters back saying that we are a nation of immigrants and that we need to have compassion on these lawbreaking invaders. These people who want to take a good share of America back and make it Atzlan, are coming here and being welcomed. We may be a nation of immigrants, but we are also supposed to be a nation of laws. The legas immigrants came here and worked to become citizens because the wanted to share the American dream. The invaders are coming here illegally and do not want to become citizens but want to take away our country.

Why are our fasciunist politicians allowing this? It is very simple if you just think; North American Union and the new money the Amero. This is being pushed behind our backs by Bush and his henchmen. Think six lane super highway from Mexico to Canada right through the center of the U.S. Think one world government. First the NAU and next the entire western hemisphere. What really bothers me is that supposedly good American companies will be doing the work to bring down their own country. They will probably hire the invaders because they may not be able to hire true Americans to harm their country. This is why the invaders are being welcomed by the fasciunists: MONEY!! There will be a double set of railroad tracks between the north and south bound lanes of the highway. Once this is done, what little we have left of America will be gone. America will become a third world country so that anything the the world government (UN) offers will be gladly accepted. That is by most of the brain dead, sports watching, hollywood watching, tv couch potatoes that only care that they have a dollar in their pocket and a beer in their hand.

What can we do about this? I am not really sure that anything can be done about it now. It may be too far gone. I have been trying to wake people up for over fifteen years and it does not seem to have done any good. A major change in congress would work but changing republicrats for demlicans or vice versa is not the answer. We need to get a good third party in some sort of power. The best that comes to mind in my opinion is the Constitution Party. When I suggest to people to vote for them they usually say: "I really would like to but it is the waste of a vote because the cannot win". If everyone that has said that to me voted for the Constitution Party they would probably now be in control of several states as well as congress. I am not sure even that would work because with the new computerized voting machines the vote can be controlled better than ever.

Here is what I am afraid is going to happen. All of a sudden a whole bunch of citizens are going to wake up and because it is too late for anything else, they will take the law into their own hands. There will be shootings, beatings and riots. This will play right into the fasciunists hands as they can call it a national emergency and declare martial law. While I do not agree with taking the law into my own hands, I do stand ready to defend myself and my country. If a lot of people would get off their dead butts, we still may be able to stop it without the violence. One thing to remember, if violence does start, it will be only the American citizen that will be punished. The invaders have nothing to lose and everything to gain and besides they get free passes when committing crimes. HELP STOP THE INVASION NOW!!!