What Next?
We wonder where this country is headed. I keep saying that fasciunism is the politics practiced by the politicians in DC. They no longer have any feeling for America as the founding fathers meant it to be. They call our representative republic a democracy. A democracy is just one step short of anarchy. They have now allowed a representative to take his oath of office on the Koran. While the Koran may be his holy book it not Americas. It cannot be Americas because it calls for the extermination of all Christians and Jews. If any of our politicians cared one little bit about our once great country they would not have let this happen. This is the fascist part of fasciunism. The denegrating of all religions. By allowing this muslim to take his oath on the Koran, our congress and courts have told the rest of us that religion no longer has any place in America. That is unless it is a religion that is anti-American.
And next we have the ruling that says that Americans will now need a passport to travel to Mexico or Canada. However, Mexicans need only to invade our country to be given everything that all Americans have worked for. They are allowed to invade the country, take over American jobs, get social security, steal our identities, get free medical care, a free education, food stamps and just about anything else they want while at the same time telling us that they are here to take back a portion of the country for Mexico. They believe that they still own the southwest portion of the country and they intend to take it back. While the work for sub-minimum slave wages they live in hovels and plan how to take away our country. They live fifteen or twenty people in on small apartment or even garage so that they can send their money back to their home country. Why are they sending that money back? To keep the economy of Mexico going. The billions of dollars sent to Mexico is one of that countries biggest incomes. The people come here not wanting to assimilate and become Americans, but to drag America down to their third world level of mentality. They rob, rape and kill far above the ratio of people in our country.
Why does our government allow this? This is one of the communist parts of fasciunism. Look back to Russia in 1917 and you will see that there was a revolution to bring communism to that country. Here the revolution is a little different. What is coming is the North American Union (NAU). This will combine Mexico, America and Canada into one borderless country. The Amero will become our new money and we will all be equal. We will also be just another third world communist country. It is also possible that there will be a revolution. Americans may become so sick of the crap that we are being handed that they will revolt. Just think, we citizens of this country need a passport to enter the other countries while they just invade our borders. Does that sound as unfair to anyone else as it does to me?
We will now need passports, even though the NAU is now being worked on. We will soon be required to have a federally approved drivers license for identification. This is going to be our passport to travel from state to state. It will in fact be a national ID card. When you get to the border of your state it is going to be, "Show me your papers please"!! That fits in with both communism and fascism. Once again fasciunism rears its ugly head.