Presidential Politics
We ave already come to the point in this election cycle that we only have three remaining contenders. While I hope something happens in the meantime to change things, it now looks like it will be either Hillerbilly or B. Hussein O. for the demlicans and McCrap for the republicrats. This does not give real American Patriots much of a choice. A female communist, who pretends to be a real American but who hates everything America has always stood for. A black communist with a muslim background whose wife said that after all her life here she is finally proud of America. And we also have an ex-pow who may or may not have collobrated with te enemy while a pow but who collobrates with the left wing communists of the demlican party. He has collobrated with one of them to take away our freedom of speech with the McCrap-Notsofinegold election reform bill. He colloberated with Killer Kennedy to open up our border for as many invaders as wanted to come.
Where does that leave all of the real patriots that would like to see the continuation of the free America that our ancestors gave us? Now is the time for a third party to come on the scene and bring all of the rest of the country together. At this moment I like the Constitution Party. I wish that Ron Paul would jump in and run on their ticket. Unlike when Ross Perot ran for president, now is the time to bring all patriots together and start a real American party. The country has heard the giant sucking sound that Perot talked about. When he said it people thought he was full of bull. Now they know that he was right. Not only has Mexico sucked us dry, but now China is finishing the job. I feel that enough people have been awakened to vote for someone who will at least try to undo much of what Shrub/Clintscum/Shrub have done. It will not be easy and it will not get done overnight, but it is possible. Ron Paul, or someone who has the same opinion of how this country should be run, could get a good start on it.
Should Ron Paul lose his primary fight in Texas for his seat in congress, I believe he sould be the one to take the reins and go with it. He might run on a ticket other than the Constitution party, but I would still vote for him. Ron Paul has started a movement that should not and can not be stopped. He has started a movement to reclaim America. He not only has people like me who have been in the patriot movement for years on his side, he has brought in many new voters and many young people. These are people that are just finding out what this country really means. Because of Ron Paul, they are finding out about the IRS, the Fed, the court system, and all of the other things that have been taken over and misused by the fasciunists that run our government. The way it is being run now is not "of the people, by the people and for the people" it is being run as "stick it to the people"!!
If Ron Paul does in fact not run as a third party candidate, the Constitution Party needs to find a viable candidate with wide name recognition. The candidate needs to have the same philosophy about government as Ron Paul. Then we all need to get behind him, support him financially and work to get him elected. We need to show the fasciunists running this country that we are not ALL brain dead and that we want our free country back.
For those of you who read this blog regularly, you will note I am on a two week cycle. This is because the off week I write my other blog. The other blog is a survival blog and I feel that with the major recession or possible depression coming soon that it is very important to keep the survival blog up to date. Those of you wishing to read that blog (I feel everyone should) can go to:
I will be back on this one in two weeks or less if I can fit it in.