This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Election coverage

Today we are going to talk about B. Hussein O. There is much speculation on whether B. Hussein O. is a muslim or not. Here in the United States we are not supposed to think he is. He has made a concerted effort to shun the muslims in this country and talk about his Christian faith. However, the muslims of the world believe that he is a muslim. Otherwise, why would groups like Hamas be backing him. The muslims in the middle east are salivating over the prospect of a B. Hussein O. presidency.

Let us take a look at what the muslims see in him that we here in the United States of America are not supposed to see. First, he was born to a muslim father. That automatically makes him a muslim from birth. Second, he was enrolled in a muslim school while with his stepfather, another muslim. Third, while claiming to belong to a Christian church for twenty years, that church was very cozy with Black muslim leader Lewis Farrakahn. The Reverand Jerimiah Wright preached more like Farrakahn than any Christian pastor I have ever listened to. Fourth, according to muslim laws, anyone renouncing the muslim religion and becoming a Christian is under the penalty of death. B. Hussein O. has not had any attempts on his life, therefore the muslim community must think that he is still one of them. It is here in these Great United States of America that the media hides all of these things from us. They want him as president so bad that they will do virtually anything to see that nothing is said about him that would hurt his chances.

Now to take a look at the upbringing of this man. While still living with his grandparents in Hawaii, his grandfather made sure that he had a mentor, someone who could steer him the way he needed to go. Who was picked but a card carrying member of the Communist Party USA, which was at the time controlled by Moscow, by the name of Frank Marshall Davis. In his book B. Hussein O. refers to him as only Frank. This was to try to fool people into thinking that this was just some friend of the family. Now that the truth is known and has been verified by various people, where is the national news media on this? They are conspicuous by their silence. If this was Juan McNasty, they would be all over it like stink on a load of pig manure.

B. Hussein O. may not even be able to serve as president because of his place of birth and his parents. According to the latest reports, the birth certificate he is using is as phony as a three dollar bill. Again, where is the media? They have gotten so bad that they no longer even attempt to give fair and balanced coverage. Fox news, which is supposed to be the conservative network gave 100% of their campaign contributions to B. Hussein O. The rest of the major media companies are running something like 90-95% to B. Hussein O. and 5-10% to Juan McNasty. That shows where their loyalty stands.

B. Hussein O. is also a one-world politician that is all for the breaking up of the United States and making it part of something else. He is in favor of all of the illegal invaders that are coming in from Mexico. He has met with every group such as La Raza, all of them groups that are intent on taking back the southwestern U.S. He is not worried about that as he is all for the North American Union (NAU). Once that goes into effect there will be no U.S. so there also will be no worry. He also does not seem worried about the 100,000 or so middle eastern people that have entered with the rest of the invaders. How many of them are terrorists? Well I guess if you are a muslim you trust that they will not hurt one of their own.

A few other things about B. Hussein O. He is pro-abortion, pro partial-birth abortion and even voted against a bill while in the Illinois legislature that would protect a live baby after a botched abortion. He prefers to see them left to die a slow death. He is pro homosexual marriage and is courting the homosexual, lesbian, transgender groups. They are backing him 100%. I could go on with this column and point out many more things such as B. Hussein O's hatred of whites. He may be half white but says in his book that he quit admitting that when he was 11 or 12. He is also married to a woman who not only hates whites but until B. Hussein O. won the nomination, hated America.

I will probably do another column on B. Hussein O. before the election, but for now I think you get the picture. Next blog entry will be about Juan McNasty.

Friday, July 11, 2008


Fasciunism (fash-iu-nism) a political philosophy combining fascism and communism, in order to take over a country, eliminate its sovereignty and turn it over to a one world government.

Fasciunist (fash-iu-nist) A person who believes in a one world government and will do anything to see that it comes to pass, including giving up sovereignty and using fascist and communist tactics.

Sometimes a person looks around and just does not know what to think. There are so many things going wrong in this country that it is almost impossible to concentrate on just one, or even two problem areas. Right now we have immigration (actually alien invasion), the economy, the election, Christian bashing, indoctrination of our youngsters by calling it education, environmental whackos attempting to control our country, the UN trying to take over the world and the fasciunists in this country assisting them. Add to this the two wars now going on and the real possibility of a third war starting in Iran and you can see what this country is facing.

What can be done to stop this nonsense and take back our country? Number one is the fact that we need to wake up the country. We need to get the couch potatoes up off their butts and get them to do something. It is time for them to quit swilling beer and watching sports or soap operas and get out and do something. They need to at least learn enough about what is going on that they can vote intelligently. It would probably be too much to hope for that they would actually join the rest of us and actually attempt to do something about these problems.

The reason I say get them up and at least find out what the candidates is that we need to throw out about ninety percent or more of our present senate and house of non-representatives. The only that this can possibly be done is for people to realize that the people that are now in charge of our government are not there to represent us but to help turn this country into a communist country with no actual freedoms except the ones that they wish to give you. These people are very intelligent. They run on the one issue that is the most important to the people they are attempting to represent. For instance, a person running for representative from a district that has a lot of outdoor recreation and tourism, will run on an environmental platform. The district will elect him/her and they will continue to vote and do good for that one issue. What the people that do not take the time to follow the house votes will never know is that he is voting against their interests on immigration, or abortion, or the economy, or fuel prices or maybe all of them and others. They will continue to elect him/her because he/she is doing great things on the environmental/tourism vote. While they are worrying about their pocketbook their representative is selling their country down the river, selling out to the fasciunists.

This is what we have to get across to the people. We can no longer permit this type of representative continue in office. What needs to be done is to find a candidate that is fairly compatible on the issue that the citizens feel is the most important, but someone who will not sell their country out. This person may not be quite as good on the one issue as the one being kicked out of office, but when all is said and done will do a much better all around job. Remember, the worst senators and representatives vote the correct way once in a while. Just remember to check their record and make sure that they are voting right most of the time on the important issues. A person who says they are pro-life that votes against partial abortion bans is not really pro life. A person that says they are pro self-defense and votes for gun control bills is a liar. The only to see what these people are really doing is to check their voting record. This used to take a lot of time and effort. Now it as simple as getting on the Internet and bringing up the senate or the house and then the person they wish to check on.

There are too many people that call themselves citizens that would rather watch TV, look at porn or something else that takes no brains. These are both men and women and when they vote, if they do, they vote by what some commercial said. With the number of flip flops that candidates make in this day and age, what the commercial says does not mean a thing. Just because I appear on TV wearing a cape and a blue sweat-shirt with an S on the chest does not mean I am superman. TV ads are made to appeal to those with the lowest mentality. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence can see right through these political ads.

I am going to continue on this vein next week and maybe for several weeks. Hopefully some of you reading these ramblings can help wake up some people.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

The Economy-3

Those of you who watch the stock market know what is happening. The stock market is going into a bear market, in fact, it is officially there. Precious metals are once again on the rise. Heck, even base metals like aluminum and copper are on the rise. A one-cent piece from 1971 and previous is not worth about three cents in melt-down. Real inflation is in the double digits, not the four percent that the government tells us. The housing market is in the tank, and will be for a while. Yet, our president can stand up in front of the country and with a straight face tell us that we are not in recession. Eighty and ninety year old people are having to go back to work because they cannot make it on retirement income. There are no summer jobs for the young teenagers. Any of that type of job is now taken by an illegal invader at less than minimum wage. It is virtually to buy anything that is not made in China. All of the car companies in this country are losing money. We just had one of the largest loss of manufacturing jobs in years. Yet, our president can stand up in front of the country and with a straight tell us that we are not in a recession. He and the rest of the fasciunists in Washington, District of Con Men can try to tell us that we just have to learn to like paying four dollars per gallon for gasoline. It does not bother them, they will just give themselves a raise with our money, because everything they do is with our money. They will probably be nice and only give themselves a ten percent cost of living raise. At the same time they do this they will cook the books to give the retirees of this country a TWO percent cost of living raise. That two percent will not even cover the cost of the ten percent rise in the price of food. What is anyone that cannot just vote themselves a raise on the taxpayers back supposed to do?

There is only one way to fix the broken economy in the United States of America. It consists of several steps but starts with getting rid of the Federal Reserve. It is not federal and they have no reserves and I for one consider it an unconstitutional entity. The next step would be to get out of all of the trade agreements that are costing us all of our good paying jobs. Back our money with gold or silver and pay a decent wage to American workers. We do not need the North American Union or the Amero. These are just ways to take away our sovereignty and bring us down to third world status. This is what fasciunists want, so they can set up their one world government. They want to treat us as slaves. This is the whole reason that the economy is going into the toilet.

The faciunists are smart, they know that people will vote with their wallets. They will vote for anyone that promises more government handouts. The more handouts they take, the more control the fasciunist government has over the people. Then they tighten the screws a little more and the people vote for more handouts and give the fasciunists yet more control. It is kind of like the frog that you put into a pot of cool water and set it on a fire. The frog does not notice the water slowly getting warmer and warmer until it is hot. Then it is too late and he is cooked. In the same way this country is slowly voting itself into slavery. Not only are we giving away our right to earn a decent living but along with that we are giving up our freedoms.

Many people will tell you "Buy American". I try very hard to do that but it is almost impossible. First finding American made products can be virtually impossible. Second, the faciunist companies like Walmart make buying Chinese made products so much cheaper that anyone on a budget is hard pressed not to buy Chinese. Walmart and companies like it are complicit in driving down American wages and shipping our jobs overseas.

If anyone thinks that we are going to get out of this financial mess soon, they have another think coming. The Federal Reserve and the government may falsely boost up the economy but it will all be smoke and mirrors. With a government that is close to ten TRILLION dollars in the red, all owed to the federal reserve, the only fix that they can pretend to do is to borrow more money and get us further into debt. They act like they can borrow their way out of debt. That is an impossibility.

My best advice for the time being is to buy precious metals and stay away from the stock market and the real estate market. I think that right now the silver market is the best place to be but that is a personal feeling. More next week.