Election coverage
Today we are going to talk about B. Hussein O. There is much speculation on whether B. Hussein O. is a muslim or not. Here in the United States we are not supposed to think he is. He has made a concerted effort to shun the muslims in this country and talk about his Christian faith. However, the muslims of the world believe that he is a muslim. Otherwise, why would groups like Hamas be backing him. The muslims in the middle east are salivating over the prospect of a B. Hussein O. presidency.
Let us take a look at what the muslims see in him that we here in the United States of America are not supposed to see. First, he was born to a muslim father. That automatically makes him a muslim from birth. Second, he was enrolled in a muslim school while with his stepfather, another muslim. Third, while claiming to belong to a Christian church for twenty years, that church was very cozy with Black muslim leader Lewis Farrakahn. The Reverand Jerimiah Wright preached more like Farrakahn than any Christian pastor I have ever listened to. Fourth, according to muslim laws, anyone renouncing the muslim religion and becoming a Christian is under the penalty of death. B. Hussein O. has not had any attempts on his life, therefore the muslim community must think that he is still one of them. It is here in these Great United States of America that the media hides all of these things from us. They want him as president so bad that they will do virtually anything to see that nothing is said about him that would hurt his chances.
Now to take a look at the upbringing of this man. While still living with his grandparents in Hawaii, his grandfather made sure that he had a mentor, someone who could steer him the way he needed to go. Who was picked but a card carrying member of the Communist Party USA, which was at the time controlled by Moscow, by the name of Frank Marshall Davis. In his book B. Hussein O. refers to him as only Frank. This was to try to fool people into thinking that this was just some friend of the family. Now that the truth is known and has been verified by various people, where is the national news media on this? They are conspicuous by their silence. If this was Juan McNasty, they would be all over it like stink on a load of pig manure.
B. Hussein O. may not even be able to serve as president because of his place of birth and his parents. According to the latest reports, the birth certificate he is using is as phony as a three dollar bill. Again, where is the media? They have gotten so bad that they no longer even attempt to give fair and balanced coverage. Fox news, which is supposed to be the conservative network gave 100% of their campaign contributions to B. Hussein O. The rest of the major media companies are running something like 90-95% to B. Hussein O. and 5-10% to Juan McNasty. That shows where their loyalty stands.
B. Hussein O. is also a one-world politician that is all for the breaking up of the United States and making it part of something else. He is in favor of all of the illegal invaders that are coming in from Mexico. He has met with every group such as La Raza, all of them groups that are intent on taking back the southwestern U.S. He is not worried about that as he is all for the North American Union (NAU). Once that goes into effect there will be no U.S. so there also will be no worry. He also does not seem worried about the 100,000 or so middle eastern people that have entered with the rest of the invaders. How many of them are terrorists? Well I guess if you are a muslim you trust that they will not hurt one of their own.
A few other things about B. Hussein O. He is pro-abortion, pro partial-birth abortion and even voted against a bill while in the Illinois legislature that would protect a live baby after a botched abortion. He prefers to see them left to die a slow death. He is pro homosexual marriage and is courting the homosexual, lesbian, transgender groups. They are backing him 100%. I could go on with this column and point out many more things such as B. Hussein O's hatred of whites. He may be half white but says in his book that he quit admitting that when he was 11 or 12. He is also married to a woman who not only hates whites but until B. Hussein O. won the nomination, hated America.
I will probably do another column on B. Hussein O. before the election, but for now I think you get the picture. Next blog entry will be about Juan McNasty.