As promised, I am going to try to write a little about our economy, or lack thereof. We all know that the stock market has been going into the tank all month. We also know that the banks are all hurting due to the sub-prime mortgage rates. What caused the sub-prime mess? The demlicans, plain and simple. It began way back with Jimmy "Peanut" Carter. The demlicans back then said that the banks were redlining and not selling to enough people of color. So a law was passed to guarantee fairness. Things went pretty good until Bill "Bubba" Clinton arrived on the scene. He insisted that banks loan to people in less desirable neighborhoods. Helped by the likes of Barney "Queer" Frank, The Non-Reverend Jessie "Have my baby" Jackson, Al Dullton, Louis "Black Muslin"Farakahn, The Non-Reverend "I hate America" Wright, ACORN, and last but not least, our president elect B. Hussein O. the banks were told in plain English that if they did not start loaning to blacks in the inner-city, this group of idiots would boycott the banks and ruin them. So, with the help of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two more demlican semi-government entities, the banks went ahead and loaned money to people could not afford the houses and who could not make the payments. These were not the only people that did this however. Many suburban people of all colors purchased houses that they could not afford. You see, the thing about sub-prime mortgages, they are "adjustable rate mortgages" or "ARMs. So for the first year or two the payments were low enough to afford. Many of these loans had interest only payments for the first two to five years. When the loans were adjusted for higher rates of interest, or the time came to begin paying off the principle, these people could not afford the payments. Now their house went into foreclosure. The more houses that went into foreclosure the lower the price went. That happened until in California this month, 60% of the houses sold were sold for less than the people paid for them. Many of these really, really smart people still owe many thousands of dollars on a house that they no longer own.
Once the banks started having to foreclose on all of these homes, they began to run out of money. AIG, which insures many of these loans was the first to go. So far they have gotten at least $75million from our fasciunist government. Next came some of the biggest banks. This is when that same fasciunist government decided to put out $700billion (actually it wound up being more than a $trillion) to help bail all of these banks out. Henry "Mr Goldman Sachs" and Ben "Helicopter head" Bernanke told the two houses of our fasciunist congress that this country could not let these banks fail or we would bankrupt the country. They said we had to bail out these big banks by purchasing their bad investments. Now it seems that that never was the plan. they are giving the money directly to the banks to do with as they please and are taking part interest in the banks. This is still fasciunism as we are simply becoming partners with these banks, which is the fascist way of doing things. Now come the auto industry, the credit card industry and several other "TOO BIG TO FAIL" companies looking for their piece of the pie. They all have their hands out for money. The auto industry has already been promised $25billion would like to have another $50billion at least. Once again there is talk about the fascist possibility of the government becoming partners with these businesses.
Now we come to the communist part of the equation. Because we consumers are not spending, many demlicans (socialists) want to provide another stimulus package, larger than the last one. That is redistribution of the wealth and pure communism. Well it would be redistribution of the wealth, if there were any wealth to redistribute. The fact is, this country is technically bankrupt and has no money to give out. Like the $trillion for the bailout, this money will be made out of thin air by a stroke of a computer key and we will (the suckers) owe the Non-federal, With no reserves, Non-bank not only all of this thin air money, but interest on that money. Being already $10+trillion in debt to the illegal fed, that would at least double and possibly triple the national debt. Not only but president in waiting (I doubt if he was fairly elected) B. Hussein O. has already stated the he is going to raise taxes on the rich. What is rich? Well that depends. It started out being $350,000 got dropped to $300,000 then to $250,000 to $200,000 then to $150,000 and finally to $100,000. Now I am hearing talk that it may be dropped down to as low as $40 or $50,000. Yet at the same time he says that he is going to cut the taxes of 95% of the citizens of this country. The only way he can do that is to give refunds to people that do not pay any taxes, which is 30% of the country. It was interesting that on his infomercial, a lady got up and said how happy she was that she would no longer have to worry about her house payment, her car payment and putting gasoline in the car because B. Hussein O. was going to do it for her. That is what many people believe and that my friends is pure communism. I think we may be moving from fasciunism to pure communism.
This weekend, twenty-two countries met here in the USSSA to come up with a plan to avert a world depression. They are too late for that but not to late to install many one world communist rules. I will talk about that next week. Until that buy all the silver and gold (physical) and plan to survive.