This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Supreme Court

The woman that Obama, (I will no longer call him president until he proves that he is a legal natural born citizen of this country) has chosen for the supreme court scares me. A hispanic woman that is pro abortion, anti gun and believes that the judicial branch of the government should make the laws is definitely not what we need on the Supreme Court. She is only in her fifties and will be on the court for over thirty years if confirmed. She would definitely be the most liberal, left wing justice on the high court. I believe that each and every one of us need to write to and phone both of our senators and let them know that this is not what we want on the high court.

There are many women that would make excellent justices, this one is not one of them. In a ruling in a 2nd amendment case, she ruled that the 2nd amendment does not pertain to the states. This is in direct opposition to the Supreme Courts ruling in the Heller case in Washington DC. She made a statement at a meeting that the high courts, appellate and supreme, is where laws are made. 

This is Obama's way of getting what he wants and not getting blamed for it. Put an activist judge on the high court and let the court make laws. That in itself is unconstitutional, the courts are to find if laws are rightly used, not to make laws. That is why we have three branches of government. The house and the senate are the ones that are supposed to make the laws and the court is to decide whether they are in line with the constitution as it is written not as they perceive it should have been written. 

One of the things that scares me about this nomination is that I do not believe our so-called senators will have the guts to not to confirm her. Number one, she is a woman and they do not want to lose the women's vote. She is hispanic and they do not want to lose the hispanic vote. She is pro-abortion and they do not want to lose the pro-abortion vote. She is pro illegal alien invasion and they do not want to lose the illegal vote. She is to the left of the communist party and they do not want to lose that vote either. In other words, their seat in the senate is much more important to them than what happens to this country. We will see who cares about this country and who the treasonous ones are.  

I have not even finished digging into her past and her beliefs and already I know that a vote for her conformation is treason. Again, I admonish you to write, email and call both of your senators and let them know what you think. Be fair but firm about it. Do not get nasty, just let your stand be known. If we can get enough people to do this, we can possibly stop the confirmation. I am not really sure that this would do the trick but we have to try, our future depends on it. It is time we on the right stood up and were counted. The left has had their own way for too long. It is no longer demlican or republicrat, conservative or liberal, it has come down to American and anti-American. It time to put a stop to the anti-American people in government. 

That is all for this time, until next time check out my survival blog at:

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Gun Confiscation

We are in deep trouble in this country. Various states are profiling people as suspected terrorists and stopping people for having certain bumper stickers. For instance; a man in Louisiana, sporting a "don't tread on me" bumper stickers was stopped by police without any other cause and warned about his "extremist" bumper sticker. A Colorado man, sporting a sign on his pickup that read "abort Obama, not the unborn" was stopped, his sign confiscated, and his home was then visited by the secret police. Is this America or is it a reincarnation of Nazi Germany? Fasciunism is taking a strong hold on this country. 

Obama will not prove that he is an American citizen by birth. He refuses to release the long form of his birth certificate, his adoption records, his education records, his health records, his selective service records, his passport records or his social security records including disclosure of all social security numbers he has used. Yet this same man wants to know everything about everyone. When H.R. 1 was passed, it contained language in it that the federal government could have access to all of your medical records.It was done under the lie that all that was wanted was to modernize the electronic medical record keeping. With all of your medical records the government would know if you ever saw a shrink and what for. This could be used to deny you a gun. Here is the reason for the medical record keeping.

Rep. Peter King, R-NY has sponsored H.R. 2159, the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2009. This law would permit the attorney general to deny transfer of a firearm to any known or suspected dangerous terrorist. The only requirement was that there be a suspicion that the person was or is a terrorist. Guns could also be denied to anyone who ever suffered from depression or a number of other mental problems. 

I feel that DHS secretary Janet Napolitano's list of possible terrorists cover over seventy percent of the people in this country. That would mean that if you went in to purchase a gun and they knew that you were against gay marriage, were against abortions, were a veteran or a dozen other things, you would be denied. The probability that shortly after that the jack-booted thugs would be paying you a visit and confiscating any weapons you already owned. 

Things are coming to a head. For years the fasciunists have been attempting to disarm the unwashed masses. Now they are taking control so fast and there are so many things to watch that they feel they can sneak this type of legislation through. I am really not supposed to oppose this bill to take away the guns of most citizens. Opposing that bill makes me one of those 2nd amendment people that are on Janet Napolitano's list of possible terrorists. Oh well, so many others apply to me that one more or less will not make any difference. 

I was not the greatest student in American history class. However, I do remember a couple of things. I believe that I remember that the American Revolution was started by "the shot heard round the world". The shot heard round the world was fired because King George III sent his soldiers to confiscate the weapons of the Americans. That is something about Americans that has not changed much, we still defend our right to "Keep and Bear Arms."I do not know what the American people would do if confiscation were to take place today. Something else to remember: Hitler, a fascist and Stalin, a communist both disarmed their citizens and then the reign of terror took over. 

Our government is fascist in the respect that there are now many business that are government/private organization (banks, GM, Chrysler, etc., etc.). It is pushing toward communism by attempting to take over the medical profession and by taking from the rich and giving to whoever they feel is needy. This is why I continue to call it a "fasciunist" form of government. We are no longer even supposed to disagree with the government and what they want to do or we are on the list of suspected terrorists. I am not sure what is going to happen, but I have a feeling that it is not going to be good. I hope I am wrong and we can turn this around peaceably, but!!!!!!!!!

Until next week keep your powder dry and check out my survival blog at:

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Swine Flu

Is the swine flu real? Where did it come from? Is it man made? Is there a reason that it is here now? these are some of the questions that are pertinent. I will try to answer them and give my opinion as to what is going on. 

First, this flu has a vast array of elements. There are elements of avian flu, human flu type A, Human flu type B, Asian swine flu and European swine flu. That is five separate types of flu, human and animal viruses from four continents. This is a combination that has never been seen and almost certainly could not have come about naturally. There is a good possibility that this flu is a genetically engineered virus that some country made and it either escaped accidentally or someone released it for some not yet known reason. If one stops to think about the make-up of this flu, they would see that it is almost impossible for all of those strains of flu to combine naturally. I am not a medical specialist and I have no expertise in micro-biology. However, I can look at the facts and they just do not add up.

If this flu was in fact released by someone, what could the reason be? Well, you have to remember what our pretendsidents chief of staff stated, "Never let a crisis go to waste." That is enough for me to think that it could have been this country that let the bug go. It would take our minds off of what our con-men-gress and our pretendsident are doing. While everyone in the country is worrying about their health and how to avoid the swine flu, these people in Washington D(irty) C(rooks) can sneak all sorts of things through. It would also help the fasciunists to bring about a universal health plan. Nothing like a pandemic to show how many people need mommy government to take care of them. I am not saying that is what is happening, I am just stating a possibility.

Another possibility is that a group of terrorists could have released it to take out as many people as possible and at the same time get our minds off terrorists and terrorism. Remember, the terrorists are still out there, still hate us, still want to kill us and our pretendsident is playing kissy face with them. It could even be some other country, Russia comes to mind. Creating a pandemic is a great way to take our attention off of everything else. There are also other countries that hate us, especially since the last election. They have always hated us but now they know that we will not do anything except apologize just for being.

There is another possibility and that is that big pharma had something to do with it. You know how that goes, first you cause the problem and then you develop an expensive cure for the problem. I really do not think that this is what happened or they would have had the new serum ready. However, we cannot afford to overlook anything.

This flu began in Mexico. If someone released it, why Mexico, why not here in the USA? Think about this, Mexico City has 20 mission citizens and is very poor. Many of these people live in areas of poor sanitation and poor health care. This is the perfect breeding ground for any communicable disease. Add to this the number of Mexicans that are invading our country each day and you can see that this is a much better way to spread a disease than directly into this country. When you look at that you see that our government is not even trying to close the borders. Does this mean that our government fasciunists want the Mexicans to continue coming here to spread the flu.

Another possibility is that the tree hugging pseudo-environmentalists could be behind the flu. They continually complain that there are too many people on the planet and that we need to lower the population. Would not a flu pandemic serve to take out a lot of that population? And this flu is taking out the people of breeding age. When you have groups of tree huggers that consider plants and animals equal or above humans, you do not know what to expect of them. 

I know I have not actually answered the questions about the swine flu. I do not believe any of us low class, bitter clingers are supposed to know the truth. We will continue to be treated like mushrooms, "kept in the dark and fed a lot of s--t." What I have tried to do is present some ideas and hope that some of you can look and see what is happening.

Until next week, watch your backside and check out my other blog at: