Too many Americans say that they are Christians and you could never tell it by the way they act. They have fallen into Satan's trap and have been taken over by worldly things. They say they are Christian and yet they say that they believe in evolution. They feel that abortion from moment of conception to moment of birth is okay. They agree with and promote homosexual marriage. They look to the government instead of God for help. They say that the Holy Bible is not the inerrant word of God, just a nice story book written by men. Thus, they feel that they do not have to listen to what God has to say in the Holy Bible, but can go ahead and use only the parts that suit them. They say that we have to love everyone and tolerate what they are doing, even if we deem it to be wrong. They say there is no right or wrong, that it is all up to the person, thus we cannot say someone is doing wrong. It may seem right to them, so we have to go along with it. To all of this I say BALONEY.
This country is headed for the cliff at full speed. We are going to go over that cliff unless we return to being a Christian country as we began. Our forefathers gave us a Christian nation and we are throwing it away. We are being governed by fasciunists and too many people are going along with it because they think that they will be getting something for nothing. As it has been said so often, "THERE AIN'T NO FREE LUNCH!!"
We are told that we have to tolerate the Muslims that are trying to bring the country down. This is partly because we have a Muslim usurper sitting in the presidents chair. He has never proven to me that he is a natural born American and he has spent close to a million dollars to keep from having to prove it. Muslims want only one thing, to take over the world and force everyone to live under Muslim rule. This is what the Koran teaches them, what their prophet says to do. They are either to kill all infidels, meaning all non-Muslims or turn them into slaves to their religion. There is no other way if they are to follow Allah.
What really scares the heck out of me is that we are having the faciunists ram many things down our throats. Private, for profit, companies have been taken over by the government and they are now running them in partnership with the private owners. As I have said many times, this is fascism pure and simple. Then you have the socialistic Obama health care that they are trying to ram down our throats. This is just a short step from communism. As you look around at this country, you can see more and more what I mean by fasciunism.
It is becoming harder to be a REAL Christian. Christians are the only people that have no recourse when denigrated and slandered. The real problem is that most Christians, even the real ones, just sit and take it without defending themselves. We may have to love our neighbor but we do not have to condone what he does. If what people are doing is wrong or a sin, it is up to Christians to let them know. Homosexuality is wrong, abortion is wrong, the government is not God (regardless of how Obama sees himself as "The One"), the Holy Bible is the inerrant word of God and not just another book. We need to stand up and tell people these things when they call us haters. Christians are not the haters, secular humanists are.
The time is coming that we may not be able to practice Christianity. We may be forced to use home churches as they do in the communist and Muslim world. It may come to pass that we will have to defend our lives with more than just words. I hope and pray that this never comes to pass. I pray for this country each and every day. I also keep my weapons at the ready and my survival gear in shape. If this country does not get back to its Christian roots, I have this feeling that there is going to be problems that will not be satisfied by talk.
Keep praying to God and Jesus Christ for this country and be ready to defend our rights. The right to freedom of speech without being told that parts of the Holy Bible are hate speech. Defend our right to Keep and Bear Arms, they may be needed before all of this is over. Only God can solve our problems now and I am not sure He wants to. He will have to see that we have returned to him before he will help us.