As most of you know DADT ("Don't Ask Don't Tell") has been repealed. This was done by a lame duck congress that had no right to do something so stupid. In November the citizens of this country voted to oust many of the left wing fasciunists. These fasciunists are bound and determined to rip this country apart at any cost. They do not have the good sense to see that they may be bringing this great country a step closer to an internal war. Then again, maybe they do see this and that is what they want.
DADT was not the law in the first place. The actual law said that homosexuals and lesbians could not serve in the armed forces. DADT was put into place by Bill Clinton to placate his homosexual supporters. Now that the law has been rescinded these perverts will be able to serve openly in the military. That is, if several other items are found to be in order. First the joint chiefs and the pentagon have to agree that it would not harm military readiness and that it would cause no harm. Unless they whitewash what the combat troops think this is not possible. However, using fake statistics like they used to get DADT repealed, it is very possible they will say that everything is great with the troops. This is not only a lie, it is a damned lie. Homosexuals and lesbians serving openly in the military will decimate the armed forces. The military is no place for an experiment in social interaction. This is especially when homosexuality and lesbianism are both against the laws of God and are an abomination.
This is still a Christian nation, no matter what our pretendsident B. Hussein Obama says about it. My feeling is that he is a Muslim and a communist and each and everything that he does is to bring this country down. Muslims are against homosexuality, but are willing to do anything to take over a country. Fasciunists like Obama are also likely to do whatever it takes to turn this country into a communist state.
Take a look at some of the things that will happen when homosexuals are able to openly serve in the military. First of all, pastors will not be able to preach from the Holy Bible. All the way from Leviticus through Romans, the Bible says that homosexuality is wrong. "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman, it is an abomination. And you shall not lie with any animal and so make yourself unclean with it, neither any woman give herself to an animal to lie with it, it is a perversion" (Leviticus 18:22) "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination, they shall surely be put to death: their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13) These two passages tell exactly what God thinks about homosexuality. Now a lot of people will say that that is Jewish law in the old testament and no longer is valid, because a new covenant was formed by Jesus. They believe that the Old Testament is outdated and that things like Leviticus and the ten commandments no longer apply. Well, for those people, (who are wrong by the way) let's look at the New Testament. "For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error (Romans 1:26-27). That makes just about as plain as it can get that homosexuality and lesbianism are both abominations in the sight of God.
All of these things will not be able to be preached when the military has decided that this sick lifestyle is "normal". The only Chaplains that will be able to stay in the military are the ones that are currently preaching that these perverted people are not wrong just different. There are those that believe it is okay to be homosexual and even allow homosexual and lesbian pastors. They perform marriage between same gender partners. I do not consider these churches to be Christian. They have strayed far from the Christian faith and are teaching feel good religion. "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths." (1 Timothy 4:3-4).
This whole idea of the repeal of DADT is going to drive another wedge between the fasciunist and the real Americans. This, I believe, is a well thought out plan to divide our country and take it over as a dictatorship. Knowing that the voters rejected their ways, these fasciunists as much as told us to stuff it and went ahead and did what they could to ruin this country. Unfortunately, a number of politicians from both parties that should know better went along with this underhanded procedure. My hope is that when the new congress takes over, that they can undo some of the damage that will be done. If the repeal of DADT is allowed to stand it will decimate our military. There are already people asking to be relieved of command because they refuse to take the brainwashing that they have to put up with to accommodate the new rules. Twenty-five percent of the Marines will get out early if this remains. It will also hurt recruitment for the all volunteer military and will require the draft to be reinstated. I do not believe the people of this country will stand for it and this will bring us one step closer to the war no one wants. A war between Americans; fasciunists vs patriots. Let us hope it never comes to that. Let us hope that congress comes to their senses and fixes things.
All quoted Bible verses are from the NIV.
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