This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


As most of you know DADT ("Don't Ask Don't Tell") has been repealed. This was done by a lame duck congress that had no right to do something so stupid. In November the citizens of this country voted to oust many of the left wing fasciunists. These fasciunists are bound and determined to rip this country apart at any cost. They do not have the good sense to see that they may be bringing this great country a step closer to an internal war. Then again, maybe they do see this and that is what they want.

DADT was not the law in the first place. The actual law said that homosexuals and lesbians could not serve in the armed forces. DADT was put into place by Bill Clinton to placate his homosexual supporters. Now that the law has been rescinded these perverts will be able to serve openly in the military. That is, if several other items are found to be in order. First the joint chiefs and the pentagon have to agree that it would not harm military readiness and that it would cause no harm. Unless they whitewash what the combat troops think this is not possible. However, using fake statistics like they used to get DADT repealed, it is very possible they will say that everything is great with the troops. This is not only a lie, it is a damned lie. Homosexuals and lesbians serving openly in the military will decimate the armed forces. The military is no place for an experiment in social interaction. This is especially when homosexuality and lesbianism are both against the laws of God and are an abomination.

This is still a Christian nation, no matter what our pretendsident B. Hussein Obama says about it. My feeling is that he is a Muslim and a communist and each and everything that he does is to bring this country down. Muslims are against homosexuality, but are willing to do anything to take over a country. Fasciunists like Obama are also likely to do whatever it takes to turn this country into a communist state.

Take a look at some of the things that will happen when homosexuals are able to openly serve in the military. First of all, pastors will not be able to preach from the Holy Bible. All the way from Leviticus through Romans, the Bible says that homosexuality is wrong. "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman, it is an abomination. And you shall not lie with any animal and so make yourself unclean with it, neither any woman give herself to an animal to lie with it, it is a perversion" (Leviticus 18:22) "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination, they shall surely be put to death: their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13) These two passages tell exactly what God thinks about homosexuality. Now a lot of people will say that that is Jewish law in the old testament and no longer is valid, because a new covenant was formed by Jesus. They believe that the Old Testament is outdated and that things like Leviticus and the ten commandments no longer apply. Well, for those people, (who are wrong by the way) let's look at the New Testament. "For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error (Romans 1:26-27). That makes just about as plain as it can get that homosexuality and lesbianism are both abominations in the sight of God.

All of these things will not be able to be preached when the military has decided that this sick lifestyle is "normal". The only Chaplains that will be able to stay in the military are the ones that are currently preaching that these perverted people are not wrong just different. There are those that believe it is okay to be homosexual and even allow homosexual and lesbian pastors. They perform marriage between same gender partners. I do not consider these churches to be Christian. They have strayed far from the Christian faith and are teaching feel good religion. "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths." (1 Timothy 4:3-4).

This whole idea of the repeal of DADT is going to drive another wedge between the fasciunist and the real Americans. This, I believe, is a well thought out plan to divide our country and take it over as a dictatorship. Knowing that the voters rejected their ways, these fasciunists as much as told us to stuff it and went ahead and did what they could to ruin this country. Unfortunately, a number of politicians from both parties that should know better went along with this underhanded procedure. My hope is that when the new congress takes over, that they can undo some of the damage that will be done. If the repeal of DADT is allowed to stand it will decimate our military. There are already people asking to be relieved of command because they refuse to take the brainwashing that they have to put up with to accommodate the new rules. Twenty-five percent of the Marines will get out early if this remains. It will also hurt recruitment for the all volunteer military and will require the draft to be reinstated. I do not believe the people of this country will stand for it and this will bring us one step closer to the war no one wants. A war between Americans; fasciunists vs patriots. Let us hope it never comes to that. Let us hope that congress comes to their senses and fixes things.

All quoted Bible verses are from the NIV.

Until next week check out:

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Another thing that is going to provoke a civil war is the making of Christianity illegal. Look at this country already: schools and colleges make special rooms and give Muslims prayer rugs yet Christians cannot read a Bible or say a prayer or even mention Jesus Christ in those same schools. Muslims are already asking for Sharia law in certain areas and that in itself would make Christianity illegal.

Christ is being taken out of his birthday: Christmas and his resurrection at Easter. The ten commandments are taken out of the public square even though these are what all of our laws are predicated on. The political correct (PC) crowd would have you think that there is a separation of church and state in our constitution. This is not the case and never has been. This is something brought about by the fasciunist ACLU and agreed to by the Supreme Court, which seems to believe that the constitution is a living document rather than a set of rules to be followed. They seem to think that they can make it say whatever they think it should say.

It is that same PC crowd that is making life miserable for Christians. They pass hate crime bills and tell us that we cannot speak out against homosexuality even though we are quoting the Bible. They are attempting to get the law repealed that says that homosexuals cannot serve in the military. If this happens and homosexuals can serve openly in the military it will be the end of the greatest military force in the world. The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff already has stated the there will be zero tolerance when it comes to speaking out against homosexuality in the service. This means that Christian Chaplains will not be able to use the bible, thus eliminating Christianity from the military. If a chaplain preaches: "For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty of their error" (Romans 126-27 NIV). That chaplain would be drummed out of the service. Many Chaplains would simply resign rather than have to have their hands tied like that. Also, about one fourth of the active duty service personal have stated that they will get out at the first possible time if that law is repealed. By the way: it is not really "Don't ask don't tell" the actual law says that homosexuals cannot serve in the military. The don't ask don't tell is simply a presidential order put in place by Bill Clinton so that he would not have to deal with the problem.

Another thing that is happening is that homosexuals are trying to take over the school system and have their way about what is taught. They want it taught that homosexuality is normal and every bit as good and proper as hetrosexuality. They want first and second graders taught the ways of a homosexual. Homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord, always has been always will be. This is why they feel they have to get rid of Christianity.

Many of these things are going to come to a head and then we are going to have to decide what to do. The people that are the biggest pushers of the homosexual in the military laws have never themselves served in the military and have no idea how it would affect our fighting force. The ones who would force homosexual teaching on our young children are just ignorant, God hating perverts. We will soon have to decide what can be done and if anything can be done. Our country is being torn apart and we have to decide how to put it back together. My biggest hope is that the November election will straighten some or all of it out but I am not convinced that it will. If it does not, then what do we do? When will they push the average American over the line?

More next week. Until then check out:

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

War II?

Last week I asked if anyone besides me thought we were being inched into a war in this country so that Obama could declare martial law and take over the country. Today I am going to talk mostly about one aspect of the situation; immigration.

We have a problem in this country that must be taken care of; invasion. I cannot call it anything else when people from another country come into our country and attempt to take part of it over. This is exactly what is being done. You have groups like La Raza that say that the southwestern states belong to Mexico and they are intent on taking it back. Yet all of the liberals continue to say that all of the invaders that are here are just looking for a better life. They are just poor hard working people that are looking to better themselves. Being a law breaker is not what I would call bettering oneself. The minute they step across the border they are breaking a law. If we are a nation that is ruled by law, they must be arrested and deported, that is what our law states. Cities give them comfort by declaring themselves as sanctuary cities. This is also against the law, but nothing is ever done about it. Churches give sanctuary. This is something that I cannot understand; how can a church that is supposedly Christian aid and abet law breakers?

With unemployment pushing ten percent and these invaders taking millions of jobs that are needed by Americans, you can see how this could help foment a war. How could we stop it? First of all, we have many troops fighting in two wars that should either be won or we should just get out. I was in favor of going into Afghanistan and finding Osama Bin Laden. However, if we have not found him by now it is time to quit. All we are doing now is getting our troops killed for a country that will never change. Then we have Iraq. I was in favor of that war also but once Sadam Hussein was captured and put to death, our time there should have been over. We need to bring all of those troops home. We also have troops guarding the border between North and South Korea. If they can guard that border, why can they not guard our border. It has been over a half a century that we have been there. It is time to call those troops home. The same goes for all of our troops stationed in Europe. That has been even longer. These countries should be able to take care of themselves by now. Bring all of the troops that we have scattered all over the world home and use them on the southern border of our country. We have enough troops that we could station them thick enough that it would stop the invasion. That is what our constitution calls for, protection our country from invaders. A fence could be built by the military that would keep invaders out, then most of the military would no longer be needed there.

That is what needs to be done although I doubt if it ever will be. The DREAM act is on the verge of being passed as I write this. That means that any invader thirty-five and under can get citizenship by going to college. Not only that but it gives them lower tuition that out of state students pay. This is going to cause animosity among college students that would like to go to a neighboring state and have to pay more than an illegal invader. This also means that they can keep their family here and bring other relatives over here. So, between the workers that take our jobs at slave wages and pay no taxes but get all types of welfare and the students that are going to get a better deal than our own citizens, I can see a lot of good Americans that otherwise would not do anything to start an uprising. I do not mean an armed uprising, but another group like the tea party. They will immediately be considered terrorists as the tea party currently is by the liberals and the government controlled media.

In my opinion, all of this is intentional. It is one more thing that will bring the people to the edge. This is one more fasciunist move to bring this country down. Obama said he was going to change this country and he did not lie. He is bringing it to ruin by trying to make it into a communist country. He knows that when people get angry enough they will rise up against him and that is what he is waiting for. He has all of his socialist friends acting as czars or in his cabinet and they will go along with whatever he says. Look out and get ready. I hope it never comes, but I do not see how we can avoid it now. All we can hope for is that the new congress can put a lid on it so it does not become necessary. I pray to God that they can do it.