As promised two weeks ago, here is my take on what could happen if hyper-inflation takes over. Currently we have inflation. This is the inflation that the gubment says is not there. They keep telling there is no inflation because if they admitted that inflation is occurring, they would have to give social security recipients a raise. Thus, each month they only use items that do not go up in price in their market basket. Food is not included unless by some chance it take a dip price. I guess that food is one of the non-essentials. Fuels i.e. gasoline, LP, oil, etc. are not included unless they go down in price. When fuels go down we are always told that due to these fuel prices inflation is non-existent. When fuel prices go up, we are told that excluding the cost of food and fuel the cost of living is down. I do not really know what world the gubment thinks we live in. We need food and we need fuel. The fuel is needed both for heat and for transportation.
In Germany, just prior to WW II prices doubled and tripled daily. If you did your shopping early in the morning you could get much more than if you waited. People took their money to the store in bushel baskets just to buy a loaf of bread. This brought about the opportunity for one Adolph Hitler to take over the country. My take on the whole thing is that if it comes to hyper-inflation in this country, it will be so a dictator can take over. This is what the "new, one world order" people want. They want to bring this country down any way possible so that it can be brought into the one world government.
What I feel is happening is that our credit rating is going to be downgraded. Then interest rates will go up. When interest rates go up, businesses that run on credit will have to raise their prices. This will cause workers to scream for more wages so that they can keep up. That in turn will cause a rise in prices. As you can see, this is a endless cycle. The problem comes when the price and wage rises come closer and closer together.
This is not something that just happens as far as I am concerned. This is something that is planned behind the scenes and worked out well in advance. This is all part of the fasciunist plan to take over the country and weave it into the one world communist government. If you look at what the United Nations is doing and what the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are doing, there is no doubt in my mind that this is a well planned conspiracy. In this country this goes back to 1913 when a group of politicians and bankers got together on Jekyll Island and formed a group called the Federal Reserve Bank. To get one thing straight this organization is not a part of the Federal government, has no reserves and in the strictest sense of the word is not really a bank. So for you people that do not believe in conspiracies, what do you call it when a small group of elected and un-elected people get together and take over the banking system of a country with no input from the citizens and no real input from congress. This is done behind the backs of the people in a secret location and no one knows about until it is over and done. I call that a conspiracy and feel there is nothing else you can call it.
Since that fateful day in 1913 the Fed (Federal Reserve Bank) has taken more and more control over this country, until now they call all of the shots. When they want to print money, they print money. When they want to squeeze the little guy they raise interest rates. Right now I believe they, along with our pretendsident, B. Hussein O. are about to bring this country to its knees. They are going to use the debs ceiling crisis to milk this country for everything we have. When our credit rating goes down, which I see as inevitable, the interest rates will go up, prices will go up and at the same time we will be pushed farther into the recession that we are still in. Our pretendsident will raise taxes, allow more invaders into the country making unemployment even a greater hold on the people. And prices will go crazy. Get ready for $10 a gallon for gasoline, $5 loaves of bread and other things just as ridiculous. After that watch for B. Hussein O. to steal the 2012 election and kiss this country goodbye.
There is another part to the puzzle of this country's downfall. That is United Nations Agenda 21 or "Sustainable Development". Beginning two weeks from now, in this space I will be trying to let you know what it really means and how it is taking over our great country. Until then check out my survival blog and my web store.