This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Today's World

Today, here in the United States of America we are fighting a battle. While most people may not know about the battle, a few of us are fighting it. The fasciunists running our government are battleing to take away our God given rights. We are attempting to fight back, but many times I feel that it is a losing battle and that I am singing to the chior. When you look at the number of people that watched the super bowl, you get some idea of where their brains are. I guess they think that freedom to watch over paid atheletes, playing a little kids game is what life is all about. I have nothing against football, but did not have time to watch the super bowl because I was busy looking into what can be done to save this great country of ours. I do not feel that the citizens of this country turned into couch potatoes by accident. I feel that much of the advertising and many of the shows on tv along with the movies were intentionally made to subvert our minds. They showed all of the great things that we NEEDED and could not get along without. This made people go farther and farther into debt. Then the fasciunists took the good paying jobs away from Americans. This made more and more people need to work two jobs to make their payments. It also put mothers to work, sometimes at two more jobs to help out. Is is any wonder that when these people get home they are too tired to do much else than flop down in front of the tube? How many people realize that when they watch the super bowl and see those multi-million dollar 30 second ads, that they will be paying for those ads in higher prices for the products? The fasciunists are very smart people and have their flunkys in every aspect of sports, entertainment, (but I repeat myself), advertising, the media as well as in every level of government. That is how they are able to turn our schools into a model of communist schools. That is how they are able to turn our businesses into fascist run organizations. That is why they can leave our southern border unprotected and allow millions of illegal aliens into this country. Even though close to ninety per-cent of the population does not want illegals in this country, the fasciunists in charge feel that the sheep will not rise up and do anything drastic to stop them. Any that try are labeled as vigilantes or domestic terrorists. These labels when it is to stop terrorists that we need to close the borders. Now they want to give our ports to the arabs to run. Why not just invite any arab that wants to come to this country to come on in and take flying lessons and maybe even bomb making lessons. It would make just about as much sense. Has one world government gone so far that we cannot even stop the takeover of our ports by the people that were partly responsible for 9-11? If it has come to that, I think a REAL PATRIOTS, know what will be next and it is not pretty. The battle will have gotten to the point of no return. It may be time for a new Declaration of Independence. Independence from the fasciunist form of government that has taken over our country. First we need to wake up the sheep on the sofa watching their sports, soap operas and other inane fare. That will not be easy.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Politics of CP: Digest of Jamaat ul-Fuqra Coverage

The Politics of CP: Digest of Jamaat ul-Fuqra Coverage

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Survival Part II

Those of you who must live in the larger cities will have a bigger problem. You may not be able to have a large enough garden to sustain you and you may have no way to get water. The only thing I can say is to store as much food and water as possible and have an escape plan if it is possible after the takeover. Here in the northern parts of the U.S., where I live, heat is very important. I presently have a wood stove for supplemental heat and hope to have an outdoor wood burning furnace built by the next heating season. I now get all the wood I can use for free from federal land for free. Thus I can keep what is on my land for the time when the feds decide I can no longer cut wood on their land. Try to have a backup electrical system for the really necessary things like refrigeration, communications, etc. There are many ways to do that. Going to all 12v appliances for backup is one way. Today's camping industry can provide just about anything you would NEED for emergency situations. Having a generator is fine but is a short term fix. You would run out of fuel in time and may not be able to obtain more. The 12v batteries could be charged each time you drove your car or even with a small home-built wind generator. You also need to arm yourself. If you are now in a militia or are going to join one, that will take care of itself. Otherwise, you need to be thinking about firearms for both protection and for taking game for food. I have never suggested all of the high tech fully or even semi automatic rifles. To me if a survivalist has a good bolt action surplus rifle for which ammo is readily available, a good .22 rifle and a shotgun, that is plenty. The .22 and the shotgun can even be single shot if that is all you can afford. Adding a handgun or two will be a help, but not absolutely necessary. A decent .308, 30-06 or 30-30 rather than the surplus rifle would be excellent. Ammo for these is easy to come by and not too expensive. The rifle is for taking big game, such as deer while the .22 is excellent for small game such as rabbits and squirrels. The shotgun can provide for both procurring game and home protection. If you only have the money for one gun, I would reccomend a good 12 guage shotgun, probably a pump or auto-loader. If you happen to like them, a bolt action would also be fine, as long as it holds several rounds. With a shotgun you can get enough different types of ammo to cover all of your needs. Slugs or buckshot for taking large game and defense and smaller buckshot and birdshot for small game and indoor protection. Now that you are able to take care of yourself, you should start investing. I only reccomend two types of investing; silver and gold. My suggestion has always been, (and still is) start with the purchase of pre-1964 silver coins, then silver bars or rounds and then to gold. I feel that a couple of hundred dollars face value of pre-1964 quarters and dimes is sufficient to get you started in what may become a barter world. Everyone recognizes these coins and you will be able to trade easily. By then silver should be solidly established as a medium of exchange and the bars and rounds will be of good value. This is especially true of the one ounce size with the five ounce size next. As silver takes quite a bit of space to amass much value, you will want to go to gold at some point. My only problem with gold is that it's value, it may be harder to use as a medium of exchange as many people will not have expensive enough goods. This gold would be your main savings and investment. I have been investing in these metals and have never yet lost money. Now you should be ready to survive just about anything. I could go on about survival, but I will not. I have written about a dozen short books and booklet on all of these subjects and this is no place to try to get all of that info in. Remember, if you want to help save this country from the fasciunists; stay informed, vote, write letters, join a militia and learn survival techniques. America needs people that can do all of that if we are going to win her back.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Survival Part I

Once you have come to the realization that this country is not going to last if it stays on the road to fasciunism, and have done everything you can to stop it, joined a militia, written, voted, etc. It is time to prepare for survival, because even with all we can do, I am not sure the country is not going down anyway. For those of you who are reading this and feel that your are too old, not healthy enough, handicapped and cannot join a militia, start or join a patriot group. You can still write letters, make calls and do other non-physical duties. In fact I believe that these patriot groups should team with their local militias for both to be more effective, but that is another subject altogether. For now I am here to tell you that in the not too distant future I expect America to go under martial law. It may be blamed on more terrorism, due to rioting after a financial or some other reason contrived by the fasciunists, but it will come. At that time those of us who believe in the America the founding fathers gave us, had better be in a survival mode. We had better prepare now for the time when you need to show your papers to cross state lines and maybe even county lines. When freedom of speech is completely curtailed, at least as it pertains to the fasciunist government. Disagree with what they are doing and wind up in a detention camp, being reprogramed or worse. The fact that in a few years it will be illegal to own an animal that is considered a farm animal without registering it is now a known fact. Even the hobbyist who has two chickens or a rabbit or two will have to register their animals. The federal government will keep a running total on every animal, where it is hour to hour, who it belongs to and for what purpose. We are being lied to and told that this is to protect our health, BULL!!! The real reason for this is that when the government takes over they will know where every bit of meat is and they can control that entire spectrum of the food chain. If you are not a good little sheep, following the fasciunists willingly, you will not be able to purchase any food. This can easily be accomplished by giving out food cards and rationing the food on a per person basis. I could go on with what I see in the future, but my thoughts are only one possibility. There are many other reasons that we may need to go into a survival mode, WW III being another. First of all, get out of any large city, NOW. I know that this can be difficult, but if things go down in a hurry, martial law could be declared before you have time to move and you may then be forced to stay where you are. That good job will not be worth a thing if the fasciunists get their slimey hands on things. Try to get out into the country, it will be the safest. Learn to grow your own food, the feds may be able to track all animals in the country but they cannot track all of the produce being grown. One of the reasons I suggest the moving to the country is so that you can hunt and fish for the meat you need. Like produce, the government cannot track every wild animal and some of the best meat comes from them. When I moved to my present location that is exactly what I looked at. I have two of the five largest lakes in the state, a state park, a 46,000 acre National Wildlife Refuge, a 40,000 acre state wildlife refuge and two major rivers within 12 miles of my house. All of these areas are open to public hunting and fishing. I also have five acres, mostly wooded. I feel this leaves me in pretty good shape to fend for myself when the ship hits the sand. Start gardening so that when it happens you can just increase and grow all your own. If you do not know how, learn to can so that you can use the excess when growing season is over. Have a good water supply. I am putting in a second well which will be outfitted with a hand pump. This is so that when the fasciunist government tells the power company to shut me off because I have been a bad boy, I can still get water. It may also be that I will not be able to pay my energy bill.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Militias Part 2

While the media tells the world that militias are bad, that is due to the fasciunist hatred of the second amendment. This is one reason that it would be great to get the states to reinstate the militias. As this is probably a dream, we need to do the next best thing and start and join our own. I do not believe that the second amendment and the military training is even the most threatening to the fasciunsist. I believe that they worry more about the educational and aid aspect of a militia. By having a group, more letters can be written, more ground covered and more things done. Letter writing can be split up giving each member one subject to cover. This allows that person to write letters to senators, congressmen, newspapers, sponsors of smut entertainment and anyone else that their subject covers. They can become very well versed in their one subject because they know someone else is taking care of the other subjects. Depending on the size of the local militia, two subjects may need to be handled by one person. On the other hand in a large militia group, two or three people may be assigned the same subject to put out more letters on each subject. This type of letter writing, educating the people in constitutional principals and aiding in emergencies is what scares the fasciunists. They fear that if the American people wake up and see what a militia really is, they will support it and the fasciunists will lose some of their control. There are some militias that make the rest look bad. They are the ones that ONLY are intent on becoming a military group. They put revolution first instead of last. They need to put the constitution first along with aiding the people and leave revolution for a last resort. I believe when the founding fathers wrote the constitution, this is what they had in mind. Remember; George Washington, Paul Revere, John Adams and the other founders were considered outlaws by the government of their day. These were members of the oreginal state militias and fought the oppression of the king. They gave us our constitution, our freedom to assemble, the freedom of speech, freedom of religion and the right to keep and bear arms. I firmly if these men (all of our founding fathers) were alive today they would all be jailed or more probably executed as traitors and terrorists. That, my friends, is a pretty sad commentary on the state of American politics and law. Revolution is a very last resort method of bringing this country back to its roots. The way the fasciunists are getting their own way, and the speed with which they are getting it scare me. I love this country very much and do not want to see it torn apart, but it is a possibility. I would rather be part of a revolution to regain this country than to wake up some day and realize I was a slave with no rights except those which a dictatorial government felt they needed to give me. Those are not really rights, at that point they become privelages because the government that gave them can take them away. "I love my country, but fear my government" is an old, much over used cliche, but it is becoming more and more true. With domestic spying, the patriot act, FEMA, and the Department of Homeland (in)security, I become more and more fearful. We need to try everything at our disposal to bring this country back to its constitutional roots without the use of violence. If that does not work, we have a real problem. Much of the writings about the constitution by the founding fathers had to do with keeping the government out of our lives and keeping states sovereign. Under fasciunist control this is all falling by the wayside. Now with NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, NATO, the UN, the world bank and all of the other agreements, even our national sovereignty is fast falling away. We need to get out of all of these organizations and treaties and once again become a sovereign nation. We need to stop the invasion of illegal aliens and become, once again, a homogenous country. It is the only way that America, the way it was founded, can survive. We need to wake people up to that fact and we do not have much time. We all need to do our part.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


One of the best things I can do is to tell all able bodied Americans to join a citizens militia. While I know that they are contriversial, they are not only necessary but the only real constitutional method of homeland security. The media and the brain dead, ultra-liberal fasciunists that listen to them will tell you the the National Guard is now the militia and citizen militias are no longer needed or even legal. That is one of the biggest crocks of bull that the fasciunists have yet perpurtrated on the American public. In article one, section eight of our constitution, the congress is given authority to the arming and disciplining of the milita and for governing such part of them as may be employed in service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively the appointment of the officers and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by congress. It also provides for the congress calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions. This coupled with the second amemdment which which states, "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"; shows that it is not the national guard that is the militia, it is all of the people. First of all, the militia was not allowed to be sent overseas to fight wars while that is exactly what the national guard is doing. For another thing, the militia were expected to keep their weapons in theiir home so that they could go out and protect at a moments notice. The national guard does not keep their military weapons at home and need to go to their armory and wait for someone to issue the weapons. There are many other things that I could compare, however I believe that all of my readers are intelligent enough to get the picture. We need to get back to the state militas where all citizens are members and are not under direct control of the federal government as is the national guard. One thing that should be done is to get each state legislature to reinstate their own individual militia. This would scare the hell out of the fasciunists and would be the best prevention to domestic terrorism. One could look at the minutemen as a federal militia, protecting our border from an invasion. While our fasciunist government does not admit it, that is exactly what is happening; we are being invaded from the south by a group of people wanting to take over our country. Rather than being called vigilantes they should be called a militia and given honors. A true militia should be many things. They should help educate the community in constitutional principals, they should help out in local or regional emergencies and they should prepare themselves to protect themselves and their state and country. Military exercises and training need to be a part of the militia, but not the only part. That military portion is what the fasciunists constantly belittle and revile. While the Bilderbergers and the Trilateralists can meet in large fancy resorts and hotels and have hundreds of guards armed with fully automatic weapons and sniper rifles and not get a second glance from the media, let a dozen local militia members go into an area for military manuevers and that same media goes ballistic. To be continued.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Political Tatics

I talked previously about voting third party. Many people tell me that voting for a third party candidate is wasting a vote. I do not agree because the more votes third party candidates get, the more our fasciunist politicians will have to take notice. The wasted vote theory is propaganda perpetuated by the two major parties. They know that if people really knew that they could vote for a third party candidate and it would do some good, many people would do so. The fasciunist controlled media goes along with the two major parties. They refuse to give nearly the coverage to the minor parties as they do the major parties. When a third party candidate is speaking at an event they do not even cover it. When a major party candidate is speaking at an event it is a major news story. Even if the two are speaking at the same event, the major gets all the publicity while the minor gets either passed over or just a passing mention. Write to and call the media and demand that they cover third party candidates. You might be surprised at how many votes third party candidates would get if they had the news coverage that the two fasciunist parties get. When people find out where the Constitution Party or the Libertarian Party stand and what they stand for, they would garner many more votes. They do not have the big money that the DAMlicans and RepublicRATS get from big business and union bosses. They are not bought and paid for like those two parties. They are not beholden to anyone except the citizens of this great country. However you do it, whether it is for one of the few good congressmen such as Ron Paul or whether it for a third party candidate; VOTE. Vote for people who will do something about the illegal immigrants comming across the border. Someone who supports the Minuteman project. Start cleaning up at your local level and keep moving up to county level then state and federal. Actually federal has become the most important place to clean up. Our time is growing short before martial law is declared and a national police state is put into place. However, this country was built from the bottom up not from the top down. We still need good people running our local governments or we can never expect to get good people at the state or federal level. Remember, many of the politicians who are so corrupt today started their career at the local level. Make sure your local, county and state politicians are in favor of citizens property rights, against illegal immigration, against laws like the patriot act and for true freedom and liberty for all Americans. I watch with disgust as state legislators attempt to take away property rights in the name of sustainable development or some other underhanded scheme. With the supreme court's decision on Eminent Domain, it is even more important to have people at the state and local level that believe in property rights. Right now we need to kick out the vast majority of politicians at all levels of government and put Real Americans in their place. The only way that will happen is if we all get out there and work our butts off. If something in the political climate of this country does not change, and change soon it will be too late. Get out there; run for office, work for a candidate, contribute, do whatever you can and then vote.


