Today's World
Today, here in the United States of America we are fighting a battle. While most people may not know about the battle, a few of us are fighting it. The fasciunists running our government are battleing to take away our God given rights. We are attempting to fight back, but many times I feel that it is a losing battle and that I am singing to the chior. When you look at the number of people that watched the super bowl, you get some idea of where their brains are. I guess they think that freedom to watch over paid atheletes, playing a little kids game is what life is all about. I have nothing against football, but did not have time to watch the super bowl because I was busy looking into what can be done to save this great country of ours. I do not feel that the citizens of this country turned into couch potatoes by accident. I feel that much of the advertising and many of the shows on tv along with the movies were intentionally made to subvert our minds. They showed all of the great things that we NEEDED and could not get along without. This made people go farther and farther into debt. Then the fasciunists took the good paying jobs away from Americans. This made more and more people need to work two jobs to make their payments. It also put mothers to work, sometimes at two more jobs to help out. Is is any wonder that when these people get home they are too tired to do much else than flop down in front of the tube? How many people realize that when they watch the super bowl and see those multi-million dollar 30 second ads, that they will be paying for those ads in higher prices for the products? The fasciunists are very smart people and have their flunkys in every aspect of sports, entertainment, (but I repeat myself), advertising, the media as well as in every level of government. That is how they are able to turn our schools into a model of communist schools. That is how they are able to turn our businesses into fascist run organizations. That is why they can leave our southern border unprotected and allow millions of illegal aliens into this country. Even though close to ninety per-cent of the population does not want illegals in this country, the fasciunists in charge feel that the sheep will not rise up and do anything drastic to stop them. Any that try are labeled as vigilantes or domestic terrorists. These labels when it is to stop terrorists that we need to close the borders. Now they want to give our ports to the arabs to run. Why not just invite any arab that wants to come to this country to come on in and take flying lessons and maybe even bomb making lessons. It would make just about as much sense. Has one world government gone so far that we cannot even stop the takeover of our ports by the people that were partly responsible for 9-11? If it has come to that, I think a REAL PATRIOTS, know what will be next and it is not pretty. The battle will have gotten to the point of no return. It may be time for a new Declaration of Independence. Independence from the fasciunist form of government that has taken over our country. First we need to wake up the sheep on the sofa watching their sports, soap operas and other inane fare. That will not be easy.