The Economy-Part 2
Last week we talked about inflation, gas prices, food prices, housing and the government wanting more and more control of everything. This week we are going to take a look a another way the government is ruining our economy and trying to take control of our lives. That is the allowing and even encouraging of alien invaders. I refuse to call the immigrants, because immigrants come into this country because they are wanted and because the are invited and they do it through legal channels. The only thing I can call these people coming over the border from the south is illegal alien invaders. When people sneak into a country and admit they are going to try to take it away from you, they are invaders.
Here is the way it is working, at least in my humble opinion. There are many politicians that are in favor of all of the invaders that want to come into the country. These are the same fasciunists that are attempting to hurry us into a North American Union and then into a one world communist dictatorship. They say that the invaders are here to do jobs that Americans will not do. That is a crock of BS. (Some of you may have wondered why I call myself the Knifeman. The reason is that I am cutting through the BS). The only reason that Americans will not do those jobs is that they do not pay a living wage. Many of the invaders are working for much less than minimum wage, this is something else that law abiding Americans will not do. Many of these invaders are also not paying any taxes on the money they earn, they are being paid under the table and then sending the money back to Mexico. They then collect any welfare that is available to them because they do not have enough money to live on. They get free hospitalization and free medical care along with free medication. All of these freebies for them cause our prices to go up because the companies that are forced by the government are not going to lose money. For that I cannot blame them, they are in business to make a profit. Some hospitals go bankrupt, others raise their prices to an exorbitant amount to cover the cost of treating invaders. Every time the drug companies give out free medications, they raise their cost to the rest of us to cover the freebies.
I believe that the illegal invaders are costing us in many other ways too. Law enforcement is just one of them. The percentage of invaders in our prisons for committing felonies is way out of proportion for the percentage of invaders in the entire country. They commit more crimes per capita than any other group in this country. They also have some of the most violent, deadly gangs in the USA such as the MS-13. All of this costs money, the police to arrest them, the trials, the feeding and clothing them in prison, etc. The crimes they commit also take a slice out of not only our monetary lives but many times the very lives themselves.
Too many of our fasciunist politicians want this type of thing to continue. They realize that the invaders are sapping our resources (not only financial but also natural) and they are going to either raise taxes or have the fed print more money. Either it will contribute to the ruining of the American economy. John McPain and B. Hussein O. both are in favor of more and more invaders coming into the country. They say they are not or that they have changed their stance, but since when can one believe a faciunist politician. We have to let their records speak for themselves.
Another sucking of the money from our pockets comes from having to print all government documents in several languages, to have interpreters wherever they are asked for and the many other things that must be done in at least two languages. One of the most costly is the need to teach kids in school in two languages. This is not only costly but an insult to our country.
So illegal invaders is just another method of bringing this country down to third world status. When you have invaders that will work for sub minimum wages, all Americans will soon have to do so or not have jobs. The invaders cause prices to go up (inflation) and wages to go down. Just where does anyone think this is going to take us?
More on the economy next week and until the buy silver. Buy the physical product and take possession.