that is what I consider this country and our freedoms: GONE!!! With the passage of the trillion dollar bailout we have jumped with both feet from socialism to Fascism or Communism. It is now probably beyond help by any of us, but we still have to try. It may be possible to save this country, but I do not know how.
Take a look at where the country is and where it is headed after election. Should Hussein win, it will jump directly into communism, especially if the demlicans take control of both houses of congress. Should McNasty win, we will have a few more years of fasciunism. This is also true if the republicrats can take control of at least one house of congress.
Look back to the old Soviet Union. They had elections, but were they fair? No, they were controlled by the party and the party owned press. Look now at our own elections. We are given two choices, and yet there is no real difference between them. The demlicans and the republicrats are both taking us in the same direction: toward one world communism. Both of the handpicked candidates voted for the trillion dollar bailout, never mind that it is totally unconstitutional. The constitution has come to mean nothing to these people that would run our country. As President Shrub once said, to them it is just a G--d--- piece of paper.
It is a well known fact that the demlicans got us into the mess with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but you would never know it by listening to the major news media. You see, the media in this country is now little more than Pravda was to the Soviet Union: the propaganda arm of the federal government. They are in this just as deep as the politicians if not deeper. They tell us what they want us to hear and expect us to believe it. They are all now unashamedly in the Hussein camp. They will do anything to stop anyone who might believe in the constitution. That is why Ron Paul, the one real American in the primary race, was denigrated and ignored. they could not stand the thought of someone that really believed in freedom and independence.
There is only one chance to save this country. That chance is to elect someone like Chuck Baldwin, who is running on the Constitution Party ticket. He has Ron Paul's endorsement and that should get him a lot of the Ron Paul supporters. It has been a long time since a third party has won in this country, but it is definitely time. In the old Soviet Union they usually only had one choice in their elections. Here they tell us we have two parties, but in reality they are both cut from the same cloth. Communistic, fascist, one world government types that care nothing about this great country's sovereignty. They both back the U.N., one of the most communistic organization in the world. They both will send more of our money overseas and also more of our young men and women.
We do not need any more of the type of politics that has been forced on us since 1932. Actually it is since 1913, (that is when the non-federal, no-reserves-non-bank was formed) but it took the fed to bring it down to where the real agenda could take over. When FDR got into office the real takeover of this country by the fasciunists began. When the UN was formed we lost a little more freedom. The the NGO's came into being, these being a complete fascist concept. This was the way the Mussolini ran the fascist government in Italy and is what Hitler copied.
This country has been sold down the river and the average Joe Sixpack and Jane Soccer Mom do not even realize it. They get their news from the major media and believe every work. That is if they even get news. Many of them are too busy with sports, soaps and other drivel on the tube to even listen to the idiot newscasts. When it comes to what is going on in the country they stick their heads in their armpits or some other dark smelly part of their anatomy and live in ignorant bliss. When they wake up and pull their head out, they are going to find that we lost our great country and all of the freedoms that our forefathers fought and died for. If you vote for either of the major candidates you are voting for the lesser of two evils, but it is still evil. So vote third party and my suggestion is Chuck Baldwin. Check out his website and check out the Constitution Party platform and I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
Until next time: