Everyone is talking about balancing the budget and complaining because it cannot be done. Well I do not have that problem. I know how to balance the budget and maybe even help bring down the national debt. All it would take would be some politicians with some real backbone.
First of all, we need to stop all immigration for the period of about five years. While the immigration is stopped we need to make sure that the invaders (so-called illegal aliens) that are already here cannot work. Do not arrest the invaders, arrest the people that hire them. As soon as the invaders could not get jobs they would begin to depart for home. Also, we need to make sure that the invaders cannot get welfare, health care, free education or anything else that costs the taxpayers money. Any invader committing a crime would be immediately deported and coming back would get them life in prison if caught.
Next (or at the same time) repeal Obamacare. This is a law that is unconstitutional, will cost everyone more, has dozens of tax increases in it, adds millions of people to the medical roles and not one doctor and will be run by thousands of new IRS agents. This is not something this country needs. Allow the medical profession to work as in the past on a free market basis. There are a few things about our medical care that need fixing, but they can be taken care of without the government taking over 15-20% of our economy.
Get rid of the EPA. This is a department that does nothing but put out rules and regulations that hamper business and even average citizens. The people in this country are all for clean air, water and other things and they will pay for them. We just do not need a government agency making decisions that have detrimental to businesses, landowners and whole communities. Nothing in the constitution gives the government that power.
De-fund the ATF as an unneeded gestapo like agency. An agency that would allow thousands of weapons to be taken to Mexico without even tracing them, causing the death of an American border patrol worker, does not deserve to be continued. The "Fast and Furious" operation in Arizona can never be forgiven and the whole department needs to be shut down. By the way, three of the agents who ran "Fast and Furious" have since been promoted. Think about it, promoted for getting an American killed.
Eliminate the Department of Education. This department is nothing but an arm of the Teacher's Union. All they do is to interfere with the states and local school districts ability to run their own schools. I find nothing in the constitution that says that the federal government is to tell the states how to run their own schools.
Eliminate the Department of Energy. Again, nothing in the constitution that gives the federal government authority to tell the states who should be able to drill oil or where it should be drilled for and there is no authority to pass laws that specify how much so-called "GREEN" energy we must use. Another part of this is the ethanol subsidies that are being doled out and the rules telling companies how much ethanol must be added to each gallon of gasoline. End all subsidies to ethanol and to all other "green" energy. If these energies cannot stand on their own and make it without taxpayer subsidies, then they should fail. Even with subsidies and stimulus money, some "Green" companies are going out of business and filing bankruptcy.
Now lets take a look at some of the other hogs at the government trough and see what we could get rid of. First I would cut any funding for Planned Parenthood. This is not a medical company, it is strictly an "abortion" provider. Whether you believe that abortion is right or wrong, it is not something everyone should have to pay for with their taxes. I personally believe that abortion is murder and should not have any of my taxes to support it.
Cut the funding for "The National Endowment for the Arts". Most of the arts that get parts of this money are arts that could not make it on their own. Arts that people are interested in a do not need this handout, they can stand on their own two feet. We do not need tax money going to people that are putting out pornography that is not really art. Most of this so-called art is nothing but sick pornography.
Cut all funding for NPR/PBS. George Soros funds this left-wing fasciunistic radio and television network and they should not need government money. As an independent, why should I have to support far left broadcasters? I would not want to support far right broadcasters either. Once again, this is something that cannot make it in the world of free enterprise and runs to the government to stay in business.
This one may cause some arguments but I would also cut all farm subsidies. Farming is a business and as I feel all businesses need to stand or fall on their own, so it is with farmers. Besides, most of the subsidies go to huge farms with absentee owners. These owners are city dwellers who are looking for a tax write-off. They "invest" in huge factory farms, take the subsidies and they use the farm as a tax write-off.
The "Small Business Administration" should either be eliminated or severely shrunk. While they do some good, they have grown out of their intended job. They are now getting to be just another subsidy for small businesses. As I stated before, let businesses fail or succeed on their own. I say that as a small businessman.
There are many things in the government need revamping, but Social Security and Medicare are the most glaring. Both of these need to be looked at and fixed. People that are already on these two government programs should not be touched, but people under 55 or maybe even 50 need to have different rules. This is a subject for an entire blog so I will leave it at that.
You can probably see that what I have cut from government would be a definite help for the budget. In the future I will get into the SS, Medicare thing. Next week I will be doing my number three article on Agenda 21. Until then check out the store and my survival blog.