This country and everything in it is virtually bankrupt. We now have an incoming president who is telling us that we can borrow and spend our way out of debt. Anyone with half a brain could tell you that that is impossible. Our incoming leader BO has been told that he is the messiah. That is not the worst part, the worst part is that he believes it. We are just finding that all of the money that went to the banks for the bailout did not do the job. Gee, no kidding, who'da thunk?? The rest of the $750 billion has been released so that it can be thrown at these same banks. Circuit city, a company that two months ago filed for chapter 11 reorganization bankruptcy is now going to liquidate and go out of business. That will put about 35,000 people out of work. Every day more and more people are losing their jobs. All of our leaders keep telling us that they can bail this country out and all they have done so far is to make it worse. The government, (that is us, the taxpayers) is now the largest shareholder in CitiBank. No one asked me if I wanted to invest in a failing bank company.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you think the housing market slump was bad, you aint seen nuthin' yet. Not only is the housing market going to get even worse, the commercial real estate market is going into the toilet also. Stores in malls and strip malls are closing faster than ever before. You are soon going to see malls and strip malls virtually empty all over the country. What else can they do, no one has money to shop in those places. Most people no longer can even afford the cheap Chinese junk at Chinamart aka Walmart. Gasoline prices are down but will they stay down? I doubt it. Gasoline prices are not set by supply and demand but are a political entity. As long as there is fighting in the Mideast (which will be forever) gas prices are going to fluctuate madly.
There are people that are fighting very hard to make the USA a communist country. Fasciunism is fading and communism is rearing its ugly head. When you use fascist tactics you let private parties own companies and you (the government) control them. What we are seeing now is the government taking over companies and practically making them government entities. You see in communism there are two classes of people, the rich and the rest of the population. There is no middle class because they are the ones that are taxed out of everything they have to give to the poor. This does not bring the poor up, it brings the middle class down to the level of the poor.
Look around this country. You will see things that should never be in these great United States of America. Good Americans that lost everything, job, house, car, etc. living on the street and in cardboard boxes while illegal invaders do jobs that would help the homeless real Americans. this is just another part of the fasciunist plan to bring everyone down to the same level. They know that the illegal invaders are not going to try to better themselves, they are sending as much of what they make back to their country of origin (mostly Mexico) so they cannot get very far ahead. The only ones of the illegal invaders that are getting ahead are the Mexican drug lords. They are coming into this country, selling their drugs, killing people both with the drugs and with anything else they want to. They have money for the best weapons in the world. We could beat them back if we put our military on the border and allowed them to do what was needed. However, BO and the bleeding heart liberals say that the people coming over the border are just poor innocent people that are trying to work and make a good living so they can support their families. That is a crock but will you ever hear about the killings, rapes and other atrocities. Not on our liberal communist media. Today's major media is nothing but a propaganda arm of the fasciunists.
Just remember, some of us saw this coming twenty years ago and tried to warn people. No one wanted to listen. Everyone seems to be too busy watching sports and having a good time to worry about where the fasciunists were taking our country. Now they are out of work and crying about it. Now they do not have the ability to fight what is going on. This is exactly what the fasciunists wanted. They are going to bankrupt this country and then they can declare martial law and take it to a dictatorship.
Stay tuned, I will have more of this GOOD?? news next week. Until then check out my survival blog. If you have enough money and the gumption to do it, you may find some good advice there. See the link at the bottom of the page.