This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It Is Coming

What is coming? THE END!!! Well, I think that the end of the USA as it used to be is coming. We now have a communist president along with a communist controlled congress. There  is not too much hope for this country. That is, unless a whole lot of people get their collective heads out of their armpit or some other dark part of their anatomy. A whole lot of people voted for a man that told them he was for change. Unfortunately, most of the people did not ask what kind of change that was. To turn this country from being a constitutional republic to being a communist dictatorship is change. However, how many of the people that voted for him want that kind of change. The people that  voted for him consider him a savior. Many of the things that he promised to do he is now backpedaling on now. 

However, some things that he never said during the campaign are now coming out. First of all he is all for censorship. He told the republicans that if they want to get along with him they could not listen to Rush Limbaugh. One of his cohorts in the senate, Chuck Schumer, equates people like Rush with pornography and says both should be censored. Thus, you can expect the so-called "fairness doctrine" re-instituted. This will effectively shut down any radio or television shows that are not one hundred percent favorable to BO and his democratic allies. BO also believes that the state is better able to educate and take care of your children than you do. Look for much more federal money going to local school districts. But remember the golden rule - "He who has the gold makes the rules". So with that money the school districts get will be the rules they will now have to live by. Welcome to the world of mediocrity, where the communistic teachers unions now have their way as to what and how to teach our youngsters.

Look for hate crime laws to be expanded to cover anything that the mighty one thinks might offend any of his backers. You will not be able to call things as they really are, you will have to use politically correct language or go to jail. Preachers will not be able to preach against homosexuality because it may offend the queers. We will be told that we need to think alike to get along with each other. It will be unseemly to disagree with any liberal as they will be in charge of thinking. Already BO has made it very clear that what he meant by making bipartisan decisions in congress is that the rebublicrats need to give up their beliefs and agree with everything the demlicans want. 

BO wants to start a government owned and operated "Bad Bank". This bank would buy all of the bad real estate loans that the other banks have. This would put the country in the banking business. You will notice that BO is for telling anyone that comes for money that he will tell them how to run their companies. That goes back to the golden rule. After spending twenty years in a Church that preached hatred for America and all whites and after spending time with his communist terrorist friends, the Ayers, and after being told by another friend of his, Louis Farakhan that he is the Savior and the Messiah, he believes that communism is the way to go and that he can do no wrong.

It is time for all right thinking Americans to rise up in protest. If we do not rise up now by the time BO is gone it will be too late. Once BO takes this country over and turns it over to the communist new world order, we will no longer have the chance to get it back. Now while there is time rise up and do something about it. I hope it never comes to a shooting war, but if we do not rise up in protest now, who knows what could happen? The time has come to stand up and be counted or to go and get fitted for your chains. It is your choice.

Check out my survival blog at:

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A New President

Well, we now have a new king er president. Or do we have a new messiah? With all of the adoration and what amounts to worship, it is more like a messiah. The man has been in office for less than two days and already they are giving him credit for doing a superb job. He tries to tell us that he is going to save the government money and get us out of the depression. Yet, he had the most expensive, by far, inauguration. He has asked for about a trillion dollars to help save the economy. the budget office has just stated that less than seven percent of that money will get into the economy in two years. Besides that it is turning into a porkfest. the states are asking for money because they do not want to tighten their belts. Public radio and television are both looking for big bucks so they can feed the country more propaganda. And the list goes on and on. Everyone that has ever had any government money wants more and those that have never had any want to get in at the pig trough.  That trillion dollars will definitely not get to where it is needed, if indeed it really needed anywhere.

What this country needs is more free enterprise, not government takeovers of private businesses. The fasciunism in this country is growing faster and faster. the government is telling more and more companies how to run: FASCISM. They are also taking over and owning portions of other companies: COMMUNISM. they are now to the point of using both fascism and communism to take over the country and turn it into a complete communist country. The United States of America was founded as a Christian nation. Anyone believing that BHO is a God fearing Christian has been on the happy pills too long. In my opinion he is either a Muslim or a black separatist. His friend and advisor, The Reverend Wright, was in Washington for the inauguration. It was not publicized because it would have made BHO look bad so the media ignored it. However, he was there and he preached a message of hate at a black church in DC on Sunday just prior to the inauguration. Bho can say he disowned Wright, but it is like everything else he says, you cannot believe him.

Most blacks do not refer to BHO as the American President, they refer to him as "their new BLACK PRESIDENT". Some blacks even quit paying rent after he got elected. Why? BHO told them during the campaign that they would be taken care of once he got to be president. What is going to happen if BHO does not follow through on what the blacks thought he said or what they  thought he meant? Are they going to riot when they find out they still have to pay their bills? There is no way BHO can follow through on what the blacks think he meant. There is no way he can do any of what he promised without declaring martial law. 

America has but one chance to continue to be the great country it once was. That is to turn back to God and Christ. America needs to get down on its knees and as for forgiveness and repent of the many sins they have committed. God is a just God and He will rain down punishment on those who refuse to acknowledge Him.  I believe that this once great country of ours is in for the roughest time it has ever seen. What this nation is looking forward to will be worse than the Civil War and Great Depression combined. It could be stopped if ninety percent of the population did not consider BHO to be a god. He himself considers himself to be a god. All you had to do was to watch his acceptance speech and see him standing in front of the columns like some Greek god. Oprah says he is the messiah, Louis Farrakahn says he is the messiah, most blacks say he is the messiah, many liberal whites say he is the messiah and he believes he is the messiah. I do not believe that God will look favorably on that many people worshiping a false god. All that I can tell all of you readers is you had better pray for this country. One of my prayers each and every day is for God to remember those of us who have worshiped Him and done our best to obey His laws and walk in His ways. He knows that none of us is perfect enough to really walk in His way. All we can do is to try our best and ask for forgiveness when we stray. 

Until next time visit my other blog at:

Friday, January 16, 2009


This country and everything in it is virtually bankrupt. We now have an incoming president who is telling us that we can borrow and spend our way out of debt. Anyone with half a brain could tell you that that is impossible. Our incoming leader BO  has been told that he is the messiah. That is not the worst part, the worst part is that he believes it. We are just finding that all of the money that went to the banks for the bailout did not do the job. Gee, no kidding, who'da thunk?? The rest of the $750 billion has been released so that it can be thrown at these same banks. Circuit city, a company that two months ago filed for chapter 11 reorganization bankruptcy is now going to liquidate and go out of business. That will put about 35,000 people out of work. Every day more and more people are losing their jobs. All of our leaders keep telling us that they can bail this country out and all they have done so far is to make it worse. The government, (that is us, the taxpayers) is now the largest shareholder in CitiBank. No one asked me if I wanted to invest in a failing bank company. 

This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you think the housing market slump was bad, you aint seen nuthin' yet. Not only is the housing market going to get even worse, the commercial real estate market is going into the toilet also. Stores in malls and strip malls are closing faster than ever before. You are soon going to see malls and strip malls virtually empty all over the country. What else can they do, no one has money to shop in those places. Most people no longer can even afford the cheap Chinese junk at Chinamart aka Walmart. Gasoline prices are down but will they stay down? I doubt it. Gasoline prices are not set by supply and demand but are a political entity. As long as there is fighting in the Mideast (which will be forever) gas prices are going to fluctuate madly. 

There are people that are fighting very hard to make the USA a communist country. Fasciunism is fading and communism is rearing its ugly head. When you use fascist tactics you let private parties own companies and you (the government) control them. What we are seeing now is the government taking over companies and practically making them government entities. You see in communism there are two classes of people, the rich and the rest of the population. There is no middle class because they are the ones that are taxed out of everything they have to give to the poor. This does not bring the poor up, it brings the middle class down to the level of the poor. 

Look around this country. You will see things that should never be in these great United States of America. Good Americans that lost everything, job, house, car, etc. living on the street and in cardboard boxes while illegal invaders do jobs that would help the homeless real Americans. this is just another part of the fasciunist plan to bring everyone down to the same level. They know that the illegal invaders are not going to try to better themselves, they are sending as much of what they make back to their country of origin (mostly Mexico) so they cannot get very far ahead. The only ones of the illegal invaders that are getting ahead are the Mexican drug lords. They are coming into this country, selling their drugs, killing people both with the drugs and with anything else they want to. They have money for the best weapons in the world. We could beat them back if we put our military on the border and allowed them to do what was needed. However, BO and the bleeding heart liberals say that the people coming over the border are just poor innocent people that are trying to work and make a good living so they can support their families. That is a crock but will you ever hear about the killings, rapes and other atrocities. Not on our liberal communist media. Today's major media is nothing but a propaganda arm of the fasciunists. 

Just remember, some of us saw this coming twenty years ago and tried to warn people. No one wanted to listen. Everyone seems to be too busy watching sports and having a good time to worry about where the fasciunists were taking our country. Now they are out of work and crying about it. Now they do not have the ability to fight what is going on. This is exactly what the fasciunists wanted. They are going to bankrupt this country and then they can declare martial law and take it to a dictatorship. 

Stay tuned, I will have more of this GOOD?? news next week. Until then check out my survival blog. If you have enough money and the gumption to do it, you may find some good advice there. See the link at the bottom of the page.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Where Are We Headed???

In a few days president elect Hussein will be President Hussein. Where is he going to take this country and how is he going to take us there. For those of you who are old enough to remember your history lessons (when public schools still taught REAL history) will remember that when FDR took over after the country fell into the great depression he brought in an alphabet of government workers. NRA, CCC, SS, WPA, TVA, etc. etc. A lot of people tend to believe that that was what ended the depression. It was not!! First the market had completely crashed and the banks had closed. this time none of that has happened. Next, when FDR took over unemployment was at fourteen percent and when we entered WW II the unemployment was at about fourteen percent. It had not really changed for all of his make work programs. All he did was make a bunch of families lifelong demlicans because he gave them jobs and they felt he had saved them. After ten years almost nothing in the economy of the country had changed. FDR took us to war to bring us out of the economic stranglehold. 

Now fast forward to 2009. We hear Hussein making many of the same claims as FDR made. We are going to spend government money, which we do not have, to make jobs that will be little more than make work jobs. We are going to add to the already bloated army of government workers. Hussein wants to start a Civilian Security Force that will be as large and as well paid as our armed forces. Now he has added Panetta to the mix as his picked head of the CIA. Many people feel that he picked Panhead to cause turmoil and ruin the CIA. The CIA is needed now more than ever in the fight against terrorism. Does this mean that Hussein does not care about the fight against terrorism? Others are saying that the reason for putting a politically motivated Demlican party hack in charge is to use the CIA as his own secret police. You will remember that Panhead shilled for Slick Willy Clinton's political dirty tricks and downright illegal doings. There is a good chance that that is what Hussein wants from him now. It is hoped in many quarters that Panhead will either have his name withdrawn or will not pass the senate confirmation process. Let us hope.

Now let us look at the recession itself. This is one recession that, in my opinion, will turn into a full blown depression. Why?? Because we have no manufacturing base to pull us out of it. With every recession since the great depression, the manufacturing base has been responsible for pulling us out of teem. Since then we have sent all of our manufacturing overseas. Most of the cause for this is GREED, pure and simple greed. The major manufacturing companies are greedy for profit so they are willing to sell their souls and use slave labor to get their profit up. Slave labor is slave labor whether you are talking about America in the first half of the nineteenth century or the slave shops in Sri Lanka, China and other countries and slavery is still morally wrong. Of course when you are a large corporation and have no morals and the only thing you know is greed, slavery becomes a way to increase the bottom line. The greed also comes down to the average consumer. That is the greed of wanting more and more for less and less cost. When that happens they buy the slave made, imported items which are cheaper. It is all about having more STUFF. I am old enough to remember when radios, televisions, cars, clothing and everything else was made in the USA. Now it is very difficult to purchase things made in this country. 

With no manufacturing there can be no increased productivity, thus no working our way out of a recession. The government, led by Hussein, can print money and make jobs but it will not replace increased manufacturing productivity. The money that is printed is actually borrowed from the Non-federal-No-reserves-Non-bank. This country is many trillions of dollars in debt and you cannot get out of debt by borrowing money. All we are doing is digging a deeper hole. All of this on the way to third world status and "A New World Order".

I will get into more on this in my next post. Until then check out my other two blogs, especially the survival blog SASL.