Pretendsident Obama has taken over Chrysler, General Motors,
AIG, several banks and is attempting to take over health care. He would also like to take over the
energy business with cap and trade and I just learned he is trying to take over the nations waterways. He is working on a way to shut down all sport fishing in all oceans along with the great lakes and possibly all lakes, rivers and streams. He is intending to do this by signing an executive order. If you thought that I was out in left field last week with my talk about the
Demlicans attempting to start a civil war so they could impose martial law, think about it again.
Obama is proposing would cause hundreds of thousands of jobs and lose literally millions if not billions of dollars. This man is the most power hungry leader this country has ever known. He is doing many of the same things that Mussolini and Hitler did. He wants to take over and nationalize all of the major industries in the country. The man is as socialist and depending on how you look at it, he is either a communist or a
facist, which in my book makes him a
And while all of this is going on one
Graham) and one
demlican (
Chucky Shumer) are trying to
re institute a bill to require a national ID card. This card would have a
RFID chip in it that could be read from a distance. They are saying that this would be a workers card and that it would keep illegal invaders from getting jobs. We all know that that is a crock of crap because both of these idiots are in favor of all the illegal invaders that can possibly get into the country. They are both pro amnesty and both love all illegals. This is nothing more than another way to keep track of every American every waking moment of the day. I am not quit ready for the American Gestapo to stop me and say; "Your Papers Please". That is not the America I want. After we all get this card they are proposing that all invaders now here be made citizens. All that would do is to open the floodgates even more. Just one more shot into the American Constitution and all of our freedoms. This is why I say, if we do not flip congress this fall, there will probably be martial law declared. More and more people are waking up to what is going on. When they rise up against our unconstitutional government, they will call for unconstitutional martial law.
Keep your eyes and ears open. Check out:
http://www.sasl.blogspot.comLabels: communism, fiscism, martial law