This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Welcome to the United/Mexican States of America. That is what we will be saying if the fasciunists have their way about things. Once again we are going to be told that we have to give amnesty to the 30 million illegal invaders that are currently in our country. We will again be told that this is the only civilized thing to do that it will save thousands of families from being split up. We will probably even be told that if we disagree that we are cruel, xenophobic, hating, tea party going rednecks. You see when people do not agree with the fasciunists, instead of discussing the differences, they start name calling. I believe that this time is going to be much worse than last time and will be harder for us to win. Why do I say that? Because our pretendsident needs to make them citizens so that he can have their vote in 2012.

Let us take a look at a few things. First, would any one of our great leaders allow you or I to break into their home, live there rent free, eat their food, have them pay our doctor bills while in the meantime we went out and raped and killed? I am very sorry, but I do not believe that any one of them would even consider that. They would call the police so quick that it would make your head spin. You would would be forcibly ejected from their home by the LAW. Why is it then, when these invaders come over our southern border into our home country and do these same things, that we want to reward them instead of evicting them with the LAW? Do you think it could be because these idiots in congress are getting campaign funds from the companies that want these invaders as semi-slave labor? These invaders are paid minimum wage or less and cannot complain because they do not want to be shipped back to their home. The big companies that hire them are making a killing and they do not want to lose the goose that is laying the golden egg.

We currently have near 10% unemployment or about 20 million people who need jobs. If the illegal invaders were denied the jobs that they have, most of our citizens could go back to work. I do not want to hear the excuse about "the jobs Americans will not do". There are no such jobs, it is just that they will not do some of the jobs for minimum or sub-minimum wage. Americans tend to want a job that pays a living wage. They are not used to living ten people in a one car garage that they rent for one hundred dollars a month, nor should they be expected to. However, this is exactly the way the illegal invaders live, because they only make that much money. Besides, they have to send all they can back to Mexico or wherever they come from.

Amnesty is a lose, lose situation. Ronald Reagan made that mistake when he was president. That was one of the few mistakes he made. Actually the mistake he made was believing congress that they were going to make sure the border was protected and illegal invasion would end. That did not happen then and it will not happen now. As soon as the illegals that are here are made citizens the companies that hire them will be looking for the next batch of invaders so that they can keep from paying American wages.

Next week; immigration and terrorism. Until then, check my other blogs at:

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Gone is Freedom

We are now under total fasciunist government control. The Obamacare bill has been passed. The right to have or not have insurance is now no longer a right. As of now anyone who does not have insurance will be fined, jailed or both. The IRS will have access to your bank account so that they can deduct money they think you owe for insurance or medical care. Insurance companies will no longer have the ability to decide who they can insure by the people's health. Your private health information will now be public knowledge. Once the government has the information they can do with it as they choose. For one thing they can use that knowledge to refuse to allow anyone they deem as not mentally stable to own a firearm. That does not sound too bad until you realize that anyone that has ever been to a psychiatrist or psychologist will be deemed unstable. Anyone who has ever had a prescription for any drug to counter depression or any other mental problem will be deemed as unstable. This bill will be used as a back door to gun control.

There are many more things that are going to take away our freedoms. However, another thing that is just as important is the fact that the government is now in charge of another twenty percent of our national Gross Domestic Product (GDP). If I am not mistaken the bill also contains an amendment that gives the government total control over all student loans. Where have we seen this type of takeover in the past? Simply look back to Hitler and Mussolini. Both fascists and both took over the health care of their countries and both took over the banks and look what happened. Pretendsident Hussein Obama considers himself as the ultimate one, a dictator. He and his cronies fees that they know better what is good for us than we do.

Our pretendsident has declared that this is not a Christian nation and refused to recognize the Christian National Day of Prayer. However, he did recognize the Muslim national day of prayer and held a Muslim meeting at the White House. Yet he swears he is not a Muslim. Of course he also flew the Chinese flag near the White House making me wonder is he really a Muslim or just an out and out communist. I know he is a fasciunist because he is using the fascist takeover tactics to try to get to his communist takeover. This part can be seen in his love for the United Nations.

Now that he has had a totally unconstitutional health care bill passed his next item on the agenda is the "Cap and Trade (Tax) bill. This will give him another portion of the national GDP. If his unconstitutional health care bill becomes a reality look for at least thirty percent of doctors to quit the profession. I have actually heard of numbers as high as fifty percent that are considering quitting. Add to that adding another thirty million people to the insured and you can see how long the waiting lines will be. That is exactly why they need the death panels.
Hopefully some of the people that will be filing constitutional challenges to the bill will win. We have lost enough of our freedoms we do not need this.

Next week "Immigration". Until then check out:

Friday, March 12, 2010


Pretendsident Obama has taken over Chrysler, General Motors, AIG, several banks and is attempting to take over health care. He would also like to take over the energy business with cap and trade and I just learned he is trying to take over the nations waterways. He is working on a way to shut down all sport fishing in all oceans along with the great lakes and possibly all lakes, rivers and streams. He is intending to do this by signing an executive order. If you thought that I was out in left field last week with my talk about the Demlicans attempting to start a civil war so they could impose martial law, think about it again.

What Obama is proposing would cause hundreds of thousands of jobs and lose literally millions if not billions of dollars. This man is the most power hungry leader this country has ever known. He is doing many of the same things that Mussolini and Hitler did. He wants to take over and nationalize all of the major industries in the country. The man is as socialist and depending on how you look at it, he is either a communist or a facist, which in my book makes him a fasciunist.

And while all of this is going on one republicrat,(Lindsay Graham) and one demlican (Chucky Shumer) are trying to re institute a bill to require a national ID card. This card would have a RFID chip in it that could be read from a distance. They are saying that this would be a workers card and that it would keep illegal invaders from getting jobs. We all know that that is a crock of crap because both of these idiots are in favor of all the illegal invaders that can possibly get into the country. They are both pro amnesty and both love all illegals. This is nothing more than another way to keep track of every American every waking moment of the day. I am not quit ready for the American Gestapo to stop me and say; "Your Papers Please". That is not the America I want. After we all get this card they are proposing that all invaders now here be made citizens. All that would do is to open the floodgates even more. Just one more shot into the American Constitution and all of our freedoms. This is why I say, if we do not flip congress this fall, there will probably be martial law declared. More and more people are waking up to what is going on. When they rise up against our unconstitutional government, they will call for unconstitutional martial law.

Keep your eyes and ears open. Check out:

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Friday, March 05, 2010

Coming Soon

I have been away for some time now, approximately four months. There have been family health problems, (not me) and several other issues that kept me away. I will be back on a weekly basis (I hope). My posts may be somewhat shorter, but will contain all I wish to share.

Please note the title "Coming Soon." What I mean by that is what I see coming from this administration and democrud congress. Does anyone have any idea why our pretendsident is continuing to push all of the things that no one in America except the liberals and their wards of the state want? He is pushing health care, cap and trade, several other bills that are unconstitutional and unAmerican. He has over thirty-five Czars and most of them have communist leanings. He has taken over insurance companies, automobile companies, banks and anything else he could. He is doling out stimulus money to companies that are using 100% of it to build wind machines in China. Thus all of the money and all jobs created are in China. His wife has twenty-two assistants at an astronomical amount of wages. They spend taxpayer money on lavish parties and many other frivolous items. I could go on, but I think you get the picture.

Why would anyone do this? He seems to have the backing of Pelosi and Reid. However, he is fast losing the support of even the people who voted him into office. Is his ego that big? Is he that much of a narcissist that he feels he can do not wrong? Does he still believe that he is the messiah? I am not sure I have the answers to these questions but I think all of those things play a part. However, I think that the real reason for going against the constitution and the American people is to start a revolution. I believe that he feels that if he pushes hard enough that the people of this country will finally have their fill and rise up with riots and maybe even armed riots. That is all he would need to call for martial law and take over the country.

There is something to remember here, many dictators started just the way he is starting. For instance, Hitler was freely elected and started out very popular. I was not until some of the people began to oppose some of his doings that he took the country over by force. I see a pattern here that reminds me of what the history books say about Hitler and other dictators. Castro was also freely elected as was Hugo Chavez. It scares the H out of me. In the next couple of days I will be getting back to my survival blog and trying to help people to prepare for what is coming. Next week I will try to dig deeper into this mess.

Check out my survival blog at