This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Lost Rights

The seventh amendment is kind of hard for me to pinpoint as to what rights are being violated. I question whether civil lawsuits should be brought after a person is found not guilty by a jury in a criminal case. This has become quite common now. The eighth is abused all the time. You see, it depends on your interpetation of excessive or cruel and unusual. The government can now do as they please just by slightly redefining the words. After all, if you can have a president who can say that something depends on what your difination of "is" is, the government can pretty much define words as they choose. The ninth amendment simply that the founders felt that we had many other "rights" that were not laid down in print and that the government should respect them too. This fasciunist government of ours does not even respect the rights that the founders wrote out in plain english, so why would anyone think that they would respect any other rights. The fasciunists believe that rights are something that they can give or take away. They do no realize that a right is something that we are born with. No one can give you a right, they can only garuntee that you can keep it. On the other hand, rights can be taken away. that is called SLAVERY. The America I grew up in does not exist. The rights I had are slowly being taken away. In my next post I will talk about the tenth amendment and show how the givernment is slowly stripping away our rights piece by piece.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Fifth Amendment 2

The one part of the fifth amendment that has not been messed with yet is the part about not having to testify against yourself, you do not have to incriminate yourself. The reason that that part has not been messed with is that it is used by crooks and politicians; but I repeat myself. They can take away your property, try you several times for the same offense even without a presentment or indictment of a grand jury and then take the fifth when they are being questioned. This is true fasciunism, take away everyone's rights except those of the ruling class. The sixth amendment has also been done away with. A speedy trial with an impartial jury is not exactly what is given these days. Ask any of the many prisoners that are being held for terrorism. We are told that it is because they are considered ememy combatants. How can anyone be an enemy combatqnt when we are not in a state of declared war? Supposedly you are supposed to be confronted by witnesses against you and be able to call witness for yourself. Look back to a trial such as the Oklahome City bombing and you will find out how many witnesses were suppressed and not allowed. Juries are also not being told of their rights. Judges give instructions that take away the rights of the jury to judge not only the guilt or innocence of the party on trial, but to judge the law as well. These are all violations of the sixth amendment rights and smack of the trumped up trials of both the fascists and the communists. This is why I continue to use the word fasciunism. We are fast being led down a path to pure worldwide communism. It is time to wake up smell the coffee brewing and do something about it. A few of us cannot do it alone. Every American Patriot needs to get involved.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Fifth Amendment

You wil notice that I skipped the 4th amendment. This one has, up to now been left pretty much alone. The fifth, however, has been pretty much trashed. There are so many ways in which this has been trashed that it is even hard for me to know where to start. One part is the part that says that private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation. Well, now according to our supreme court, private property can even be taken for private use and some so called judge gets to say what just compensation is. Then ther is the confiscation of property for various reasons such as drug dealing. Property is confiscated and sold even before it is known whether the property belongs to a drug dealer or if it was simply used without the owners consent. You are guilty by association and cannot get your property back. It is a cash cow for the government agencies. Remember the fascist states of the last century, property was privately held but controlled by the state. And they call me a right wing fascist when I say that I believe in the constitution. Remember fascisim is on the left. It is just one short step from telling you that they will decide which private party is going to own the land to the telling of all of us that the government knows better and will now OWN all land. The part about not being tried for the same offence twice has also been pretty much elimininated. If you are found innocent and they want a guilty verdict, they simply make up some "new evidence" and try you as second or even a third time. New "facts" are made up and a person has to stand trial until the verdict of guilty is reached. More on the fifth next time.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Third Amendment

This is the one that says that we are secure against unreasonable searches an seizures and that probable cause must be shown before such action may be taken. We all know that that is not adhered to.The swat teams in this country are not much better than the jack-booted thugs of Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Russia. For a lot of years, anyone with a grudge against someone could just call the law and report illegal guns, drugs or whatever and with no proof the DEA or BATF would break down doors and hold people at gun point, maybe even handcuffing them or beating them. When they find a mistake has been made they just say "tough" and leave. Now, since 9/11 and the patriot act it is much worse. Now the feds from many agencies have the authority to enter homes and businesses, to tap phones, to check computers, to check library records and to check on who they wish at any time with the excuse, "We are just protecting you from terrorists". The real terrorists are the federal agencies doing the checking. The real hate crime is the federal government that hates any free, independent thinking, freedom loving American. This country was set up with the constitution so that the government would fear the people. This was the whole idea of the Bill of Rights, to show the people their rights. These rights are God given and cannot be taken away. That is they cannot be taken away unless we let it happen. Today's laws have turned things around until instead of the government fearing and respecting the people, the people live in constant fear of the government. When will the day come that all patriots are considered terrorists? Were Washington, Adams, Franklin and the rest of the forefathers alive today, they would be considered terrorists. Is it not time to do something to change all of this?

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


One more time befor I get back to my normal writings. Another bill is in committee which would make it a hate crime to say anything against a homosexual. This includes reading the bible passages that pertain to homosexuality, aloud in public. Therefore, no preacher could read those passages or preach on them without the fear of going to jail. I believe that this would be a case of the government endorsing a religion. That religion is called secular humanism. As noted it has been deemed to be a religion by the supreme court. If the government can tell the churches on what subjects they can speak, they (the government) are the ones controlling the religion. This is against the constitution, but what is new about that. The constitution means nothing to most lawmakers today. This is fasciunism pure and simple. First you have hate crime laws, next you have hate speech laws, some which will control what can be said in the churches of America and next you will have hate thought laws. George Orwell never knew how true his book 1984 was going to turn out. He was just a little ahead of his time. This is one reason that we need supreme court judges like John Roberts. It will not stop what is happening to this country, but it will slow it down, maybe even to the point that we Americans can do something about it. This country is in very bad shape. I am not even sure it can be fixed. The problem has gotten to be that the only group that is not protected from hate is those males of white European descent. There are intelligent people in many of the other groups that will join us but are there enough? This is exactly what the fasciunists are attempting to do, drive a wedge between all of the groups and then they will benefit from the chaos. That friends is how fasciunism works.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

More of the Same

Well, I guess I have to interrupt my usual message to go on one of my many tirades. Yesterday, Sep. 14, a judge in California (where else?) ruled that it is illegal for school children to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. He cited the seperation of church and state as the reason. In the first place, allegiance is being pledged to the flag not to God. The fact that the word God appears in the pledge has nothing to do with religion. God is mentioned in various ways and several times in the Decleration of Independence and the Constitution of the U.S. Not only that, but by forbiding of the recitation of the Pledge, that judge is taking away everyone else's freedom of religion. He is saying that because a very small minority do not want to use the term "Under God" the vast majority must give up their right to their freedom of religion. This is another fascist action to turn America into a Godless communist state. These judges that do these kind of things were put on the bench by people who hate America and everything it now stands for. They claim to be patriotic Americans and they run for and obtain the presidency. However in reality they are fasciunists who are attempting to bring America to its knees. They are the ones pushing agendas for newspeak, (politically correct language), for removing God from America and for all of the other stupid anti-American laws. They are the ones in charge of changing the constitution to the point where it will no longer be recognizable. They are the ones in charge of moving America into the new world order with a one world government. Who are these people? Which political party do they belong to? They are both the "demlicans" and the "republicrats". Both parties make use of activist judges, just activist in different areas. That way, no matter what type of case comes up, some judge somewhere, appointed by one party or the other, can be used to change the law to what is wanted. All judges have taken to legislating from the bench. That is what our two (fasciunist) political parties want. You may not believe in conspiracies but FDR, (America's first dictator for life) made a very true statement. This may not be an exqct quote, but it is close. "Nothing in politics happens by accident, if it happens, it was planned that way".

Saturday, September 10, 2005


If you think gun control is bad with the laws that are passed, just look at what is happening right now. In New Orleans, guns are being taken away from citizens who are trying to protect themselves. Just another show of fascist force. The one person whom I saw on tv made a statement that is probably the most true statement I have ever seen about guns on the major media. He said, "they are just afraid because their our weapons are bigger than their weapons". While that may not be an exact quote, it is close enough, because that is what he meant. It is also the truth. This is the reason most of the gun laws are passed. The government does not want us unwashed masses to have guns and other weapons that are equal to or better than theirs. Yet, that is exactly what the founding fathers meant. One of the reasons for making sure our right to keep and bear arms was not infringed was because we were to put down any government that became too powerful. They realized that governments get out of control and need at least the threat of the citizens forming a new and better government. Which leads us back to the New Orleans situation. Will those people get their guns back? Who will protect them and their property after the soldiers leave? They were simply doing what every American SHOULD do. They were protecting their lives and property from the looters that are known to be in the area. What do they do now, dial 911 and die? Just look at how many people are now under government control, millions. Add this to the new laws after 9/11 and you can see that the fascinunists are slowly taking over. Slowly at the moment, but you can look for the tempo to pick up at any time. If it is not another natural disaster, it may be a terrorist attack or some other "emergency.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Gun control

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. What is it about infringed that the fasciunists do not understand? "This year will go down in history. For the first time a civilized country has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future". Adolph Hitler, 1935. Yet all of the gun grabbing liberals do no see that they are using the fascist tactic of gun control to bring about their communist agenda. And the media, which is so adament about keeping the freedom of the press and the freedom of speach, (but only for themselves, they think hate speech should be banned and they get to determine what hate speech is), are pushing very hard for the taking away of the right to keep and bear arms. They say that no one "NEEDS" certain guns. Well, no one needs a car that will do 150 mile per hour, but they are sold every day and drunk drivers use them and people get killed. Every gun law that has ever been passed is probably unconstitutional. I quoted Hitler and one would think that the Jews would be on the side of the constitution on this one, but most of them are not. There is a Jewish pro-gun organization in Milwaukee WI but other than them, the Jews are more interested in power than they are in allowing Americans to have their God given rights. The next time the holocaust is brought up by a Jew, ask them if they are pro gun or anti gun. Any Jew that is anti gun cannot complain about anything that happens.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Free Speech?

Another freedom that we are supposed to have that is fast disappearing. With the advent of newspeak and all of the hate speech laws on the books, you can no longer say that we have free speach. Schools and colleges have the most stringent rules, thus completely curtailing any semblance of free speech. I seems every group and sub-group in America is covered by some form of law that covers offensive hate speech. The only group left that can be called vile names, slurred and denigrated are white christians, especially white MALE christians. Next is the free press. This blog and anything else that I can self-publish are the only types of free press left in the country today. Each one of us that does these things has a little of freedom of the press left. The national media is nowhere near free. They are controlled by big business and big government, both of which are controlled by a certain power group. This group is know as zionists. All of us are being watched by the Southern Poverty Law Center, B'nai brth, the FBI, and other groups. Many of the pornography blockers being touted today to protect the children on the internet also block sites such as this. So how much real freedom we self-publishers really have is a real good question. As for the right to assemble, this is no longer a right as in most places you need a permit to assemble in a public place. That makes it a privelage rather than a right. So much for the first amendment.

Saturday, September 03, 2005


Our forefathers wrote the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution when we broke away from England. They were written to found a new country and secure our individual freedoms. Then the Bill of Rights was added to make sure that certain rights were not taken away. The first amendment reads: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise therof: or abridiging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or of the right of the people to peaceably to assembl, and to petition the
Government for the redress of grievances. First religion: I do not know of laws congress has made in the area, but I know that they are remiss on not reigning in the supreme court, which is ligislating from the benbch. Having religious objects or saying prayers on government are now pretty much prohibited. Waco was taken down BECAUSE it was a religious compound. This country was started by churches. All schools and many towns and villages were begun by churches. Religion was a part of daily life both in private and in government. Secular Humanism has been declared a religion by the supreme court and yet it is taught in schools every day. Why? The study of Buddism or Islam is okay just not Christianity, and the U.N. wants Earth worship to be taught and in many schools the goddess Gaia is taught. More on the 1st amendment next time.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


Looking at the politically correct speech of today should tell a person something. What country are you a native of? Unless you are an American Indian you cannot be a native American. Patriot has been twisted to mean almost anti-American. If Washington, Jefferson and Franklin were alive today, they would probably be considered terrorists under the patriot act. The patriot act has nothing to do with patriotism. Our children today are taught in our public schools all kinds of things about feeling good, tolerance for every wierd way of life, and many other things that have never had anything to do with the real world. Colleges have become even worse with their politically correct everything; newspeak, tolerance, etc. until many of them have become the cesspool of liberalism. What it is, is fasciunism, the use of facist tactics to promote liberalism to promote communism. Calling things hate speech and making the use of it illegal means that we now have thought police. How can they tell what I mean by a word that I use unless they know my thoughts?