Internationalism and Fasciunism
Back at the beginning of this commentary, I expalined that fascism is a nationalist socialism while communism is international socialism. That might make one wonder how fasciunism fits in with a bunch of very wealthy people who would like to form a one world government. How would facist, (nationalist) tactics fit into the one world scheme? The answer is: the one worlders know that the common citizens of most countries are very nationalistic. Look to France, Germany or England and you will see that all have very strong nationalist movements. Many of them were pulled kicking and screaming into the fasciunistic European Union. Here in the United States of America the feelings run even deeper. None of us want to give up our soverignty. This is where fasciunism steps in and fills the gap. Fasciunism is not to be the ultimate result, it is merely being used to get us to accept the one world government. Now just take a look at how some of this is being accomplished. First we need to remember that most freedoms that are lost are not simply uprooted and taken away. They are insidiously undermined until the root of the freedom is totally defunct and then merely discarded. Let us look at one item in depth to see how the loss of our sovereignty occurs. A treaty commonly known as the "Convention on Biological Diversity" was entered into by the United States. While, as far as I know, the senate has refused to ratify the treaty, thus making it null and void. That is the last time I did research on it the senate had not ratified the treaty. They may have snuck in a ratification vote since then unbeknown to any of us "poor slobs". The aim of the treaty, in its own words is; "to create a national network of boisphere reserves that presents the biogographical diversity of the United States and fulfills the internationally established roles and functions of biosphere reserves". Even though the treaty has not been ratified by the senate, the executive branch goes ahead and acts like it has. By executive order all federal agencies are told to embrace this treaty. National Heritage sites are named and given over to the U.N. or some other international body to oversee. Next, adjacent landowners are told that they cannot do certain things on their land because it will mess up the National Heritage site. They are told this by the Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA) or some other government bureaucracy. This is pure fascism, private ownership and government control. However, it is being done for a different long range reason. The reason is to get people to accept this control, even though some of them know that it is really international. The hope is that those who do not accept these controls will become disgruntled and sell their property to the government for whatever pittance is offered. Thus the government has control of that much more land which is then added to the National Heritage site. Now the next adjecent landowner will have his land jeprodized. On and on it goes until the government actually owns all the land. In many foreign countries, where private land ownership is virtually non-existant or is controlled by a very few very wealthy individuals, this is not necessary, these countries are already in the one world fold. Here in the U.S. it is fascism until the land is sold to the government then it becomes communism; thus fasciunism.